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This person that may know me in real life who stalks me on the internet thinks I ?

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won't ever find a boyfriend and no guys will have sex with me.


.Because my level of attractiveness is hideous and I'm the uglist woman.



Edited by TheBeachBionic

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I dont know what you are here for and you didnt ask a question but here are 3 practical tips for you:

1. Ignore the stalker.

2. If you cant ignore the stalker change accounts/nicknames, report the person on the places where they are stalking you. Be careful what you share online, maybe create multiple accounts. If the stalking goes on, check your computer for  virus/malware. Last step would be to contact the authorities but dont expect that they can/will help you if there is no threat other than posts & messages about your appearance. 

3. Work on your self-esteem. Start to expand your inner beauty.

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31 minutes ago, universe said:

I dont know what you are here for and you didnt ask a question but here are 3 practical tips for you:

1. Ignore the stalker.

2. If you cant ignore the stalker change accounts/nicknames, report the person on the places where they are stalking you. Be careful what you share online, maybe create multiple accounts. If the stalking goes on, check your computer for  virus/malware. Last step would be to contact the authorities but dont expect that they can/will help you if there is no threat other than posts & messages about your appearance. 

3. Work on your self-esteem. Start to expand your inner beauty.

He thinks I won't ever find a boyfriend  and that no guys will want to have sex with me because my level of attractiveness is hideous.

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4 hours ago, TheBeachBionic said:

He thinks I won't ever find a boyfriend  and that no guys will want to have sex with me because my level of attractiveness is hideous.

So whats the problem? Thats what that one person thinks. They likely have something against you. Some agenda which is why they are saying those things.

One person says you're ugly. Another says you're beautiful. Who do you believe? You could say it relies on perspective. :) 

If perspective varies that widely why try and appeal to humanity as a whole?

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30 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

So whats the problem? Thats what that one person thinks. They likely have something against you. Some agenda which is why they are saying those things.

One person says you're ugly. Another says you're beautiful. Who do you believe? You could say it relies on perspective. :) 

If perspective varies that widely why try and appeal to humanity as a whole?

I'm scared I might never find a boyfriend or have sex because my level of attractiveness is hideous.

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How old are you? 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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9 hours ago, TheBeachBionic said:

I'm scared I might never find a boyfriend or have sex because my level of attractiveness is hideous.

You don't give people much to work on. You make these threads, give very vague and undetailed replies to them, then make a new thread to a very similar degree of the previous thread.

If you are trying to seek advice and help you gotta engage in the discussion.

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6 hours ago, Emerald said:

How old are you? 


6 hours ago, Emerald said:

How old are you? 


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Just forget about what that person said. It really doesn't matter what they think. If you want to find a partner, just put yourself out there. And do your best to be selective when it comes to personality flaws. Like if a person is going to treat you badly, you should feel entitled to turn them down. They are not your only option, even if it seems like it.

What are you doing right now to try to get a partner? 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Why would you trust anyone that tells someone else that they are hideous and they will be alone their entire life?

It's insane, it's vile, it's malicious, there is nothing trust-worthy about such a statement

It seems you have a deep negative belief about yourself which is why you're latching onto this external statement 


How does beauty work,

Are there men and women who's bodies look conventionally different then the norm?yes, you can have an unusual facial structure, skin disease and whatnot, being very overweight, or very skinny

These can in the beginning not make you attractive, especially in todays society where many people hold an ego vibration and they themselves mostly only consider whats attractive to be typically dominating archetypes of attractiveness which are hollywood and instagram attractiveness

You may have an exotic unconventional physical body, and on top of that being in a close-minded society that only validates one type of body is making you believe that you are ugly

Now it is not because people treat you like someone that is ugly that you actually are ugly

reality is fluid, your body is consciousness, you are consciousness, now I will explain how divine beauty works


If you heighten your vibration, you would heighten your femimine energy, and I can confidently tell you that a 250lbs women with a high vibration could be the most attractive women on the planet

That is only if she tried everything to care of her body and if by some crazy reason she cannot lose weight, will this happen, because beauty is love, love is loving yourself and taking care of your body

If you love yourself you will take care of your physical body very naturally you will exercise, be hygienic, seek to eat right,which means you will naturally not be very overweight or underweight, but in rare cases you still become overweight underweight despite your best measures, in this case you have a naturally overweight or underweight body

In this case your body knows your tried your best, cause again your body is consciousness, your body will reflect your self-love in its physical reflection, in its beauty, its not the eating healthy or exercising your body that makes you look beautiful,its not about the actual physical, its not about chemicals or losing or gaining fat, its not about toning, its about the intention,your self-love is a vibration, that will let you access your feminine energy, which is a divine presence and will let your body release its divine reflection, completely unique and wonderful 

Self love is a vibration, its the magic snap that turns the pumpkin into a chariot and the girl into a princess, it has nothing with numbers, science,or logic, or habits, love modifies the atoms of reality, its directly altering reality, but self-love is expressed through physical action within reality, especially as you change your inner beliefs, you will do symbolic physical actions to express that, and these symbolic action turn out to be mostly things like eating healthy or exercising


You could not lose or gain a single amount of weight, you could have the exact same body type as now, but if you changed half your beliefs, you would look like an entirely different person, again your body is made of consciousness, of your beliefs, of your love of your hate

If you think you can sit in a self-deprecating corner and pout and whine about being ugly, and hoping for life to fix things for you, No, no, no, no, the observer is the observed, you cannot observe your body without altering it

The very way you look at your body defines its atoms, and yes if you have an exotic body type there are people out who look at your body in ugly ways, and if you have a very exotic body you have may to fight off the majority of society who looks at you in an ugly way, literally a war of perspective, a war against ego, you have to believe in your beauty, if you can see your beauty others will, eventually, they will not join your perspective unless its literally intense enough in its light love intensity, so in the beginning this will take time as you literally fight off the egotic beliefs of modern society

I as a man, throughout , my enlightenment, saw the evolution of beauty in my perspective, before I enlightened, I only considered typical hollywood movie women to be attractive,and only young women around my age, I thought most women were average and some even ugly,older and overweight women were almost immediately average ugly to me, that was my limited perspective

As I enlightened I saw more and more beauty, basically where before I considered 13 on 100 women to be attractive, now I see 87/100 women to be attractive, and the number is rising, always rising, I can see the divine beauty in all types of women, all ages, all types of weight, and I honestly feel spoiled sometimes, it toke a lot of getting over my own ego and what society taught me

Sometimes Im sad when I see women that could look absolutely beautiful, their physical apparatus is completely fine, but their self-judgement is so intense that they do end up looking ugly, I can see the beautiful physical body being supressed by the ugly self-defeating judgement of giving in to believing that you're ugly, this is the one thing that is truly ugly, betraying your physical body, your self-integrity, this is true ugliness, and it does get reflected in how you look, which makes you believe you're right about being ugly, but its the exact opposite


Now on divine feminine energy, divine feminine energy is released with self-love, grooming , a certain openness, divine energy is divine, it changes the way you walk, you take up certain manners , gestures,it makes your natural smell as a women a hundred times more intense and magical, its what they call "aura", your voice changes,its tone its fiber becomes magical, elf-like, princess-like angelic, mother earth-like, it can take many forms, and this has nothing to do with your physical body, it has only to do with you believing in your own feminity, that you are a whole women

This is not about being worried about others, its not about attracting others or making them admit you're beautiful, its about falling in love with yourself, with your physical, exploring this bond, this feminine energy, being who you are


One funny thing, the more beauty I could see in women, the more women seemed to notice me as well, before enlightenment no women would look my way ever on the streets, I was like a ghost to them, now women look my way a lot, 

Did my physical body type change? My face? Hell no, its all inside, its real beauty, its divine beauty, and this beauty is native to all of us

You cannot wait for life to convince you that you are beautiful, only if you convince yourself to see your own beauty, will life take care of everything else, of everyone else

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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22 hours ago, Arkandeus said:

Why would you trust anyone that tells someone else that they are hideous and they will be alone their entire life?

It's insane, it's vile, it's malicious, there is nothing trust-worthy about such a statement

It seems you have a deep negative belief about yourself which is why you're latching onto this external statement 


How does beauty work,

Are there men and women who's bodies look conventionally different then the norm?yes, you can have an unusual facial structure, skin disease and whatnot, being very overweight, or very skinny

These can in the beginning not make you attractive, especially in todays society where many people hold an ego vibration and they themselves mostly only consider whats attractive to be typically dominating archetypes of attractiveness which are hollywood and instagram attractiveness

You may have an exotic unconventional physical body, and on top of that being in a close-minded society that only validates one type of body is making you believe that you are ugly

Now it is not because people treat you like someone that is ugly that you actually are ugly

reality is fluid, your body is consciousness, you are consciousness, now I will explain how divine beauty works


If you heighten your vibration, you would heighten your femimine energy, and I can confidently tell you that a 250lbs women with a high vibration could be the most attractive women on the planet

That is only if she tried everything to care of her body and if by some crazy reason she cannot lose weight, will this happen, because beauty is love, love is loving yourself and taking care of your body

If you love yourself you will take care of your physical body very naturally you will exercise, be hygienic, seek to eat right,which means you will naturally not be very overweight or underweight, but in rare cases you still become overweight underweight despite your best measures, in this case you have a naturally overweight or underweight body

In this case your body knows your tried your best, cause again your body is consciousness, your body will reflect your self-love in its physical reflection, in its beauty, its not the eating healthy or exercising your body that makes you look beautiful,its not about the actual physical, its not about chemicals or losing or gaining fat, its not about toning, its about the intention,your self-love is a vibration, that will let you access your feminine energy, which is a divine presence and will let your body release its divine reflection, completely unique and wonderful 

Self love is a vibration, its the magic snap that turns the pumpkin into a chariot and the girl into a princess, it has nothing with numbers, science,or logic, or habits, love modifies the atoms of reality, its directly altering reality, but self-love is expressed through physical action within reality, especially as you change your inner beliefs, you will do symbolic physical actions to express that, and these symbolic action turn out to be mostly things like eating healthy or exercising


You could not lose or gain a single amount of weight, you could have the exact same body type as now, but if you changed half your beliefs, you would look like an entirely different person, again your body is made of consciousness, of your beliefs, of your love of your hate

If you think you can sit in a self-deprecating corner and pout and whine about being ugly, and hoping for life to fix things for you, No, no, no, no, the observer is the observed, you cannot observe your body without altering it

The very way you look at your body defines its atoms, and yes if you have an exotic body type there are people out who look at your body in ugly ways, and if you have a very exotic body you have may to fight off the majority of society who looks at you in an ugly way, literally a war of perspective, a war against ego, you have to believe in your beauty, if you can see your beauty others will, eventually, they will not join your perspective unless its literally intense enough in its light love intensity, so in the beginning this will take time as you literally fight off the egotic beliefs of modern society

I as a man, throughout , my enlightenment, saw the evolution of beauty in my perspective, before I enlightened, I only considered typical hollywood movie women to be attractive,and only young women around my age, I thought most women were average and some even ugly,older and overweight women were almost immediately average ugly to me, that was my limited perspective

As I enlightened I saw more and more beauty, basically where before I considered 13 on 100 women to be attractive, now I see 87/100 women to be attractive, and the number is rising, always rising, I can see the divine beauty in all types of women, all ages, all types of weight, and I honestly feel spoiled sometimes, it toke a lot of getting over my own ego and what society taught me

Sometimes Im sad when I see women that could look absolutely beautiful, their physical apparatus is completely fine, but their self-judgement is so intense that they do end up looking ugly, I can see the beautiful physical body being supressed by the ugly self-defeating judgement of giving in to believing that you're ugly, this is the one thing that is truly ugly, betraying your physical body, your self-integrity, this is true ugliness, and it does get reflected in how you look, which makes you believe you're right about being ugly, but its the exact opposite


Now on divine feminine energy, divine feminine energy is released with self-love, grooming , a certain openness, divine energy is divine, it changes the way you walk, you take up certain manners , gestures,it makes your natural smell as a women a hundred times more intense and magical, its what they call "aura", your voice changes,its tone its fiber becomes magical, elf-like, princess-like angelic, mother earth-like, it can take many forms, and this has nothing to do with your physical body, it has only to do with you believing in your own feminity, that you are a whole women

This is not about being worried about others, its not about attracting others or making them admit you're beautiful, its about falling in love with yourself, with your physical, exploring this bond, this feminine energy, being who you are


One funny thing, the more beauty I could see in women, the more women seemed to notice me as well, before enlightenment no women would look my way ever on the streets, I was like a ghost to them, now women look my way a lot, 

Did my physical body type change? My face? Hell no, its all inside, its real beauty, its divine beauty, and this beauty is native to all of us

You cannot wait for life to convince you that you are beautiful, only if you convince yourself to see your own beauty, will life take care of everything else, of everyone else

This is not just about looks this about me finding a boyfriend and having sex too.

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On 10/5/2018 at 10:08 PM, Emerald said:

Just forget about what that person said. It really doesn't matter what they think. If you want to find a partner, just put yourself out there. And do your best to be selective when it comes to personality flaws. Like if a person is going to treat you badly, you should feel entitled to turn them down. They are not your only option, even if it seems like it.

What are you doing right now to try to get a partner? 

My level of atteactiveness is hideous and I'm the uglist woman to I probably won't be able to find a partner.

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1 hour ago, thehero said:

@TheBeachBionic maybe itll give you hope if you see girls that are uglier than you that have boyfriends 

Doesn't work like that.

If you think you're hideous, it doesn't matter how you really looks, your self worth would still be fucked by your stream of thoughts.

She needs to accept herself as she is, seeing other women won't change anything, in her mind, SHE IS the ugliest.

It's decided, there is no room for uncertainty.

Which of course is a big fat lie !!! 

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Well, gurlll, a boyfriend won't just fall in your lap, you gotta work for it! Having a boyfriend is more than just being beautiful and having sex. But you're not ugly. You can always improve the social skills/sexual appeal. Please don't be upset. Just relax and read a book or talk with a good friend, go for a walk in the park and block the stalker right now. That person has serious problems, there's problems with himself and not about you. You are fine.

Also, ask yourself if you're ready for a relationship. A relationship is not everything. Sometimes we need time to work on ourselves before we take responsibility for a relationship.

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