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Mr O


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Hello guys. I have a huge problem with procrastination right now. I am doing my a-levels and I have so much pressure on me that I don't know where to start. I am on Easter break, for two weeks, and I have to do a lot of revision and prepare for my final exams. Today I did literally zero work and I keep waking up late and procrastinate the entire day until I get nothing done. If I don't meet the grades, I won't get into my favorite university. While procrastinating, I also feel lonely and sometimes sad because I am always on the computer playing video games or watching YouTube videos... anyway to bleed off time. I would like to get up to pace and get serious and happy but my ego and subconscious is fighting me from the inside. Is there a solution to this? I am in a stall and I don't want to crash my dreams.


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Hold Up.

For one, dont be stressing about exam results.

Exam results do not define your intelligence, unless you wantthem to define your intelligence

Exam results will not shape your destiny, unless you let them shape your destiny.

Also, I beleive you can take College exam without having even studied at the college ( meaning that you can be educated from other sources aside from the courses the college provides)


Now to answer you question.

If you want to get something done. Make your motives and goals clear and do it, question yourself why you need to study then study. As long as you know more about a subject then you dont know, you will be fine ( Anything above 50%, but try aim higher depemding on the college you want to go to). If you invest time in preparing for your exams you will see a benefit later. Know this, Patience is bitter, but the fruits it bear are sweet.

Cheers hope this helped.




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