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Hello, my name is lorcan , I am 14 yr old. By chance I stumbled across your channel about a 1 or 2 years ago. 


I have watched a couple of your videos, and I am just after finishing your explantory video on what self actualization is.

You talk of beinh self actualized is to reach your maximum potential.

I carry a few ( not all) of the traits of a self actualized person. One of these is " Seeing the world for what it actually" for my age I am quite philosphical, I am always questioning things, especially the society we live in.

By doing some research, I have found that we are controlled by a system , large corpartions control our lives,they use money to control us so that they can better themselves. Democracy is a lie, the goverment gives us choices they appoint for us, 2 sides of the same coin.

A world poisoned by capitalism. I have a dream of a self actuallised world, a world based on Goodness, Playfullness,Rightgeousness ,Justice and fun.

We call ourselves free, but in the society we live in are we really free.

All the corruption sickens, and I see no one rising up against it. We are watching it happen in front of our eyes and we do nothing.

I want a world for the people and by the people, not A world for the corparation and by the corpartion.

Is this is what it is to live life as a human.

Ia this what It means to be free?

No , we are not free, yet we lie to ourselves

I want to become a revlotionary,an insurgent, I stand for True Freedom ,Goodness, Rightgoes ness, playfullness and justice if needed.

Will this then I have accomplished this make me self actualised?

- Note: Sorry for the bad spelling and grammer , wrote this on my mobile


Edited by Lorcan
Exsplaining bad spelling

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Don't let your skepticism of society lead you down a path of hatred, that might lead you down a path of terrorism - or worse, politics. Rather choose a path of love, and never compromise your love. Stay critical, especially of your own assumptions. 

-Is capitalism really 'evil'?
-If capitalism is evil why do people don't act against it?
-What does it mean to be 'free'?
-Why do want a "self-actualized" world? And didn't communists basically promised the same thing?

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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People abuse captialism. I shouldnt have said it was evil.

And no, I do not hate anyone. 

I love everyone and try my best to help everyone, that is why I am focusing on a better society for everyone

Our current society is functional, but not without its major flaws.

I would not use violence or hatread to achieve my goals.

Pointless to do so

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I would focus on making the world a better place for everyone, rather exclusively just myself, leaving everyone else to suffer.


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I can answer all 5 of your questions. However I will do so tommorow, I have to go to bed.

Check this thread tommorow.


On your last question concerning communism.

I am not a captialist. Nor communist.

A self actualised world, is possible, infact its impossible to say its impossible.

I have been re writing a goverment system from the top down, I am focusing on the education so far and only have scrathed the surface.

I will answer your 5 questions in depth tommorow, its  1:20am where I live so I gtg otherwise my parents will rage at me lol. Please I encourage to check out this thread tommorow when I will answer your 5 comcerns.

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That's the exact same dream I have, not with the same values although. More so Truth,Excellence and Strength

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It seems, perhaps..."revolutionary" is your life purpose. From what I understand, purpose is key to actualization, but finding your purpose does not automatically actualize you. There is more work for you, resolving neurosis etc....

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-Is Capitalism really "evil"?

Capitalism, if done correctly is not in it self evil no, but it commonly abused to take advantage of other people and control them. 

I think society has come to a Point where Money is more Important then knowledge  even though you need knowledge to attain so much money to be powerful. Money, it doesn't matter how you get it , is power and you can use it to take advantage of other people.

- If Capitalism really is evil, why dont people act against it?

-There reasons for this tend to be different from person to person,

-Some people dont want to bother spending there life trying to accomplish such an enormous task.

-Some people think they themselves cant do anything about it and just have to out up with it,

-Some people are indifferent to it and just accept it as part of "How life works".

-Some people are perfectly fine with the society we live in, they dismiss all its flaws.

-Some people dont know how to act against it.

-Then there are people like me, who winge, moan and cry about it, but little progress is done.

*Then there are "Great People" my personal favourite are, Spartacus, Joan of Arc, Jesus Christ, Matin Luther king, Voltaire, and Guy Fawkes.

(Note- I am not relgious,)

Now, Im not saying that what any of what all these people did is nesscarily  "good".

But what inspires me is that these people managed to Stand up against society, and make a difference.

But the point is these people had the Guts,And the persistance to make an Impact in the world.


I dont see any "Great people" in the world anymore....., , Im not talking about famous people.

Im talking about people who made a difference for the better of Mankind. We think we are in a perfect state in mankinds history right now, We have reached the perfect state of a world.

Let me ask you this, if mankind continues in the path it currently is following, things are looking bleak. Imagine what will happen in 100 , or even 200 years from now. There will be a war, a war of attrition, since the dawn of time greed has poisoned mans soul.


Mankind have mastered, Killing and Control.

Now lets master the joy of Living. 


Oh yes, I hear people all the time say its not possible.... HOW is it not possible???? ARE YOU telling me that if all the great Philosophers sat down at a table and discussed this topic for a year or 2 , that they wouldnt come up with a functional society that is better then what we have today?

I dont beleive for a second that the answer is no, thats fucking bullshit.   Its impossible to call It impossible.

We can do this, imagine, this society could be a reality, we just have to stand up for ourselves and do something , ANYTHING.

Look at Anonymous Official youtube channel.  Then we come across the problem "Oh, but I dont know how"


I agree it is a very a daunting task to try deal with, I mean marching along the streets holding posters saying "GET RID OF CAPITALISM" will probably achieve nothing. For 2 reasons.   1 .  How does one simply get rid of captialism without plunging the whole society into utter chaos and collapse. and 2. 2 people parading with Anti-Captialism posters inst going to really get the message across as something that "The people" want.

I would appreciate some feedback on what you guys think.



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Very good, getting this far at such early age. Many dont ever think about this stuff at your age or older.

only advice i would have is try to focus on yourself and not society. Put ur energy in self mastery

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Hmm, yes I agree. I will focus on my self while Im still in my early years.

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@Lorcan I'm all for you being a revolutionary, the worlds need more for sure,  I was just saying there is likely more to your path for personal growth... anyway, below I've copied\pasted a comment I made from another thread on this form about escaping society to actualize ( topic posted by luigi1994). I thought you might be interested in this organization/ or concept.... sorry, sometimes when I paste on this forum it crosses things out...

I find the parts of mainstream society that are not congruent with self-actualization, can still be learning experiences. That said, I can only take so much of it....that's why I live in the forest, lol. I think you might like "Sea-Steading" (see The Seasteading Institute). It is based on the principal that every time an island breaks off (like Hong Kong, Singapore, etc), they become amazingly productive creators and develop a unique prosperous, abundant community with revolutionary ideas. Their plan is to create communities at sea beyond the boundaries of any countries regulations, where people are free to explore new ideas, new gov't, new technology, etc with no boundaries. The concept art for these micro cities is beautiful, so is the sustainable living from algae production etc, but they don't have the money yet. It's a cool idea regardless, maybe check it out.

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At your age it is great and healthy to have a revolutionary mindset.

Keep on going and it will end up in an evolutionary mindset. 9_9

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Yes, the world is in need of improvement.

See my sig for the answer ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Epiphany_Inspired said:

@Lorcan I'm all for you being a revolutionary, the worlds need more for sure,  I was just saying there is likely more to your path for personal growth... anyway, below I've copied\pasted a comment I made from another thread on this form about escaping society to actualize ( topic posted by luigi1994). I thought you might be interested in this organization/ or concept.... sorry, sometimes when I paste on this forum it crosses things out...

I find the parts of mainstream society that are not congruent with self-actualization, can still be learning experiences. That said, I can only take so much of it....that's why I live in the forest, lol. I think you might like "Sea-Steading" (see The Seasteading Institute). It is based on the principal that every time an island breaks off (like Hong Kong, Singapore, etc), they become amazingly productive creators and develop a unique prosperous, abundant community with revolutionary ideas. Their plan is to create communities at sea beyond the boundaries of any countries regulations, where people are free to explore new ideas, new gov't, new technology, etc with no boundaries. The concept art for these micro cities is beautiful, so is the sustainable living from algae production etc, but they don't have the money yet. It's a cool idea regardless, maybe check it out.

 I understand what you are trying to refer to here, but living in a forest excluded from society isn't solving the problem at its roots, its just a mere escape from reality.

However concerning the topic about new countries out at see, free from the rules and regulations of other societies is an interesting one (And very possible in todays world, however you would have to be a billionare)

I have looked into this before about making a independent country out at see.(Much like the video game Bioshock where someone sets up a city in the ocean called rapture, with a complete overhaul of society with great education, no homelessness , Basically the ideal society.)

However currently this is much out of my grasp at this age. Even then to become a billionare , would be a challenge as it would concern setting up a buissness complying with the corrupt world we live in.

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, the world is in need of improvement.

See my sig for the answer ;)

What is "sig" ????

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@Lorcan It's a shortening for signature, with the quote that Leo put there.

I LOVE the way you think, and since we're pretty much about the same age (I'm 16) I am just getting more interested in this ;)

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Ahh, yes. I understand, change your self before you change the world. Nuthin like a Good ol little gem of a quote from socrates ;)

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@Lorcan I think the current low-budget version of sea-steadying is sort of an anarchist thing and they are just tying together old barges, boats, etc.... to form a community....there is also a guy on YouTube (forget his name) that has built a "living island" using plastic that he has pulled out of the ocean ...apparently the soil blocks the UV and keeps the plastic from breaking up into micro pieces...I know, but at least I'm not watching "cute kitten" videos... lol

Re: living in the forest... I know what you mean, I admit to that for sure... at the same time, we create our own realities...i'd rather have a healthy forest reality than a city one personally... also, the less I involve myself with the crappy consumer world, the less I feed that beast, it also lessens my child's exposure so that she less influenced, and hopefully better able to make informed choices for her own future reality....

On ‎2016‎-‎04‎-‎02 at 10:28 AM, Lorcan said:

 I understand what you are trying to refer to here, but living in a forest excluded from society isn't solving the problem at its roots, its just a mere escape from reality.

However concerning the topic about new countries out at see, free from the rules and regulations of other societies is an interesting one (And very possible in todays world, however you would have to be a billionare)

I have looked into this before about making a independent country out at see.(Much like the video game Bioshock where someone sets up a city in the ocean called rapture, with a complete overhaul of society with great education, no homelessness , Basically the ideal society.)

However currently this is much out of my grasp at this age. Even then to become a billionare , would be a challenge as it would concern setting up a buissness complying with the corrupt world we live in.


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