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SEE the, KNOW the and LIVE in the >> NOW <<

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the image with this thread, if understood correctly, can capture what it means to be living ONLY in the NOW and WHY that means you are everything


the left most frame is the distance past... it's fading slowly and slowly, only remnants of its memory remain - all of which when "remembered" are remembered in the NOW

that frame of past - with it's collective experience, at one instant was witnessed/experienced in the NOW

it involved "looking out of" what you assume were your eyes, with sounds, sights, feelings, sensations and emotion in that smallest of fraction of time

but if we still that moment, any moment of experience - that stilled frame, with the totality of the phenomenal experience in it, is observed/experienced by YOU - and in a way, if we think that reality is nothing but an infinite series of such NOW frames which are changing at each instant, then you are nothing but each of those collective frames as they appear in the NOW. ergo why YOU ARE EVERYTHING!


not just the body POV which you have deeply associated with - YOU wrongly assume due to the grand illusion that you're merely the body from where you have the first-person POV from.


when you watch a movie, you watch it from a certain POV - either 3rd person audience, or directly first person with the thoughts of the main character heard

in any case, the entire movie with the people, cars, places, sounds in it is what make up the MOVIE

not that single character. the experience may revolve around that character however, the movie is just that experience - nothing more, nothing less


the projected future is also not as bright/vivid as the NOW as indicated with the smaller font and all-lower-case for the distance future..


to embody and wish for a certain experience in the future, you must "project" it in your mind - so to speak

again, just like remembering of the past, that projection is done and experienced in the NOW

that projection need be so immensely strong that you start feeling as if you already are in that moment and as a result you experience that HAPPINESS NOW!

happiness just by being that FUTURE NOW!

ALL HAPPINESS is always in the NOW!

when that future frame comes , it will be experienced in the NOW

BE THAT EMOTION and the rest of the experience shall follow which matches that respective emotion


Love Is The Answer

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