
What's Your Take on Materialism?

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@Violinpracticerdude What you do think of the idea (presented by Dr. Schwartz in the video above ) that the brain may be an antenna/receiver of consciousness rather than the creator of consciousness?

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3 hours ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

That's one example. Now, ask yourself, how many studies by REPUTABLE publications and sources, have claimed that consciousness is outside the brain? Sure on the Internet you'll have lots of people talk about how the current model is just "dogmatic materialism" but if that's so why not go and prove that consciousness isn't from the brain and win a Nobel Prize?

3 hours ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

That's one example. Now, ask yourself, how many studies by REPUTABLE publications and sources, have claimed that consciousness is outside the brain? Sure on the Internet you'll have lots of people talk about how the current model is just "dogmatic materialism" but if that's so why not go and prove that consciousness isn't from the brain and win a Nobel Prize?

On 03/10/2018 at 3:42 PM, Violinpracticerdude said:


(Apologies for the double quote) in the article it says that there are a variety of theories that have come about from them 'switching consciousness off' one of which is that consciousness comes from the brain. But the keyword being theory, to say that the hard problem of consciousness has been solved is a bit oof a leap. 

There are plenty of scientists that do have theories that consciousness doesn't come from the brain, bio centrism is one example. But what you might have noticed is that in any time period scientific studies usually only get funding to fit the social narrative. For example no government would've funded research into the earth being round when it was believed that it was flat. You explaining materialism when society is in a materialist paradigm. How many people are on mainstream TV talking about the stuff leo or Sadhguru talk about? But yet they have millions and millions of followers, Sadhguru gets paid by Google to do talks for example but you'll never see him on western TV, obviously he doesn't fit in with what we've been taught to believe but that doesn't what he had to see isn't credible. 

A Nobel prize is a group people that believe someone should be awarded for an idea or work. But it exists in a certain paradigm that will only reward a certain way of thinking. Lao Tzu and the Buddhists have endured thousands of years and their teachings are still relevant today and in fact some are being proved by science and quantum physics 

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3 hours ago, Consept said:

(Apologies for the double quote) in the article it says that there are a variety of theories that have come about from them 'switching consciousness off' one of which is that consciousness comes from the brain. But the keyword being theory, to say that the hard problem of consciousness has been solved is a bit oof a leap. 

There are plenty of scientists that do have theories that consciousness doesn't come from the brain, bio centrism is one example. But what you might have noticed is that in any time period scientific studies usually only get funding to fit the social narrative. For example no government would've funded research into the earth being round when it was believed that it was flat. You explaining materialism when society is in a materialist paradigm. How many people are on mainstream TV talking about the stuff leo or Sadhguru talk about? But yet they have millions and millions of followers, Sadhguru gets paid by Google to do talks for example but you'll never see him on western TV, obviously he doesn't fit in with what we've been taught to believe but that doesn't what he had to see isn't credible. 

A Nobel prize is a group people that believe someone should be awarded for an idea or work. But it exists in a certain paradigm that will only reward a certain way of thinking. Lao Tzu and the Buddhists have endured thousands of years and their teachings are still relevant today and in fact some are being proved by science and quantum physics 

Can you refer to me the Buddhist teachings that have been verified by quantum physics?

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On 10/3/2018 at 10:42 AM, Violinpracticerdude said:

What's your take on materialism? I think that yes you can break things down to atoms but I mean if you're being chased by a bear you'll run away for your life. I'm kinda confused people saying that "nothing is real" and yet living like things are real.

Also, the paranormal, what's your view on that? Personally I think that it's just people getting tricked by their own brains, I mean science has shown that the consciousness is created by the brain and none of those people with "powers" have ever proved it when put to the test. I think that those saying they have psychic powers are deluded ego-maniacs, the ego wants more.

Science has proved consciousness is created by the brain?  News to me.  Can you share the articles that "prove" this?

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On 10/3/2018 at 1:19 PM, Violinpracticerdude said:

Yes, because it's my head, my brain, that creates the consciousness that experiences being human. When the brain shuts off there's no evidence that somehow the consciousness will continue when it's created in the brain and you don't even have free will.

You should read about and look into western doctors accounts and mysteries about people dying according the western definition and yet come back alive somehow (usually in ways that defy western medicine) and then proceed to tell the doctors what they saw and heard that lines up with what was going on, when they were supposedly dead.  Not saying this proves anything, but will make you wonder just what is consciousness and how was it still going on in so called death.

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4 hours ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

Can you refer to me the Buddhist teachings that have been verified by quantum physics?

10 hours ago, Violinpracticerdude said:


On 03/10/2018 at 3:42 PM, Violinpracticerdude said:


To be honest there's lots of stuff, I hesitate to try and 'prove' anything to you as that's something you need to see for yourself, but have a look at what I've posted and then go down the rabbit hole yourself 

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@Outer It's interesting how those that are inclined to believe in an external universe keep on missing the fact that the brain is within consciousness. It's almost like the mind does not what to acknowledge this. I've struggled with it myself over and over. It's like a deeply ingrained bug in the software of the mind. The material world will always remain a metaphysical postulate. 

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I think the problem here is people get these terms mixed up.

When people say I am conscious they usually equate it to self awareness or along those lines.

When you say all is consciousness you are essentially referencing the most fundamental form of everything.

Yes the brain probably creates your ability to think and be self aware and so on. But that brain is made out of consciousness you see. So its behavior and functionality is a direct extension of consciousness!

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@Shadowraix  I agree. Most of the discourse on what consciousness is is simply people not really understanding how the other side of the table is using the term, thus arguing over the same concepts without seeing it.

Edited by Flammable

You see, the reason you want to be better, is the reason why you aren’t. Shall I put it like that?

We aren't better, because we want to be.

                                                                                                                                                 ~ Alan Watts

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On 10/3/2018 at 8:12 PM, Violinpracticerdude said:

none of those people with "powers" have ever proved it when put to the test. I think that those saying they have psychic powers are deluded ego-maniacs


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I think matter is a concept in the mind. Materialism doesn't explain what a thing-in-itself is, it merely gives it a name. Eddington, a great scientist, said: ''We used to think that matter is a thing; now it is no longer so. Matter is more like a tought than like a thing.''

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What's Your Take on Materialism?

Changes everyday xD

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23 hours ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

You can believe that the paranormal exists, but that doesn't make it real.

Paranormal isn't just my belief, it's my experience. As long as you aren't open to it being real, you'll never find the evidence for it because you're closed off.

23 hours ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

If it was real then why does scientific research say that consciousness is created in the brain?

It doesn't. We have some understanding of neuroscience, but mainstream science basically understands nothing about the nature of consciousness.

Read books like Biocentrisim, The Holographic Universe and My Big TOE.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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