Hardik jain

How To Just Do It.

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I guess it will be awesome if you could share your one secret that you use to get shit/stuff done? 

My secret is -

If I can't fully do it, I do how much ever I can at the moment.

for example -

If I don't feel like meditating for 30 minutes then I do how ever long I can. I.e - 10 minutes or even 5 minutes.

Basically, I don't screw myself over and instead I ease off that gas pedal a little.

Edited by Hardik jain
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If I don't want to do it, I won't agree to it in the first place. That's my secret trick for getting shit done! ;) 

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F*ck that shit, if I tell myself I don't wanna do it, I do it even harder than I was supposed to in the first place

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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@Quizzer Don't you think in the longer that's not what you're supposed to do? Because I believe consistency is important to create change but if I follow your method then I'll maybe lose my motivation in maybe a week, month or a year.

(I maybe wrong)

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  On 3/30/2016 at 1:34 PM, Quizzer said:

F*ck that shit, if I tell myself I don't wanna do it, I do it even harder than I was supposed to in the first place

That's a great way to burn oneself out and be miserable. 

When one lets go of expectations (one's own as well as those of others) and lets go of perfectionism, one realizes how stupid it is to ever make oneself do anything at all. Life gets so much better. 

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If you want to just do it, you stop thinking about it, just do the shit. And baby steps count, start small. That's the secret :D

e.g in the morning your alarm ring, just wake up. Do not think oh I'm tired, maybe I snooze a little bit, oh I can delay a bit blah blah. Just wake the fuck up. 

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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  On 3/30/2016 at 1:47 PM, Anicko said:

That's a great way to burn oneself out and be miserable. 

When one lets go of expectations (one's own as well as those of others) and lets go of perfectionism, one realizes how stupid it is to ever make oneself do anything at all. Life gets so much better. 

Alright... let's just let me do things my way, and you do (no)things your way and we'll see how it turns out? :D

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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@Quizzer I'm not particularly interested in a pissing contest, but you can keep up with my journal and compare it to your life if you like. ;) 

I have no need to try to force you, or the OP, to do things "my way". I just happened to offer my opinion on the question asked, and it drastically differs from yours. So what? Don't take it personally. :) 

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Life sucks when you spend all your time doing crap you don't want to do. Trust yourself to know what you need to do, and you'll be inspired to do those things without being miserable about it. Even stupid, mundane things like cleaning your home. 

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Don't think, don't try, JUST DO! 

POA (paralysis of over analysis) hurts everyone who dabbles in POA. Break away from the mediocrity of POA and focus on do.  

I suggest posting a "Just Do It" Nike check on your ceiling - the ceiling above your bed - and stare at it for 2 minutes every morning. 

Edited by Argue

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I value it so much that I create almost no resistance what so ever to doing it because I see myself doing it for the rest of my life.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:19 AM, Hardik jain said:

@Truth are you talking about meditation?

Yes meditation is one, also working out, I want to re-frame other things with this mindset like reading, approaching and meeting people and things like that.

Memento Mori

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:23 AM, Truth said:

Yes meditation is one, also working out, I want to re-frame other things with this mindset like reading, approaching and meeting people and things like that.

Same but I tried to create a resistance but it doesn't work for me, I put it off. Any tips? 

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:26 AM, Argue said:

Same but I tried to create a resistance but it doesn't work for me, I put it off. Any tips? 

The beginning stages are the hardest bottom line, but the more you "build this muscle" and the more start to say things like "Oh shit this is important" or "If I never meditated I probably wouldn't have had this insight." the easier it gets.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:41 AM, Truth said:

The beginning stages are the hardest bottom line, but the more you "build this muscle" and the more you see like "Oh shit this is important" or "If I never meditated I probably wouldn't have had this insight." the easier it gets.

Nice. Thanks. Yeah, that's my biggest obstacle, "the beginning stages." I like the muscle analogy. 

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:54 AM, Hardik jain said:

@Truth how long do you meditate daily?

30 minutes which I want to be doing more adding visualization and contemplation but I'm working on other habits.

Memento Mori

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