Tom T

Could any Kriya Yoga peeps help me out??

1 post in this topic

i was following the jp stevens book but about 2 weeks ago i messed up one of the new exercises i was learning and i was really busy so i didnt have time to sit for a few hrs and figure out how to do it properly. but now i have read the 2 small kriya books by Santata Gamana and iv decided that im going to  switch up my practice...

my new kriya practice will be

3x Maha Mudras

36x Kriya Supreme Pranayamas

3x Yoni Kriyas

3x Kriya Supreme fires

10 mins of witnessing the breath

It says in the book that I have to do this practice 2 times a day, it says preferably once in the morning and once in the evening


My question is what do people think about fitting this into one session? etc I do this kriya routine, Then I do an hour of a meditation practice then I do this kriya practice again straight after? do people think an hour gap is to short or do people think this is fine? 


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