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Awakened Ego Consciousness vs Awakened GOD/ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS

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There is ONE Consciousness which is "seeing thru" the eyes out of an enlightened human being - it will have access to knowledge/information which that particular human being had and will play out and live its life according to its root teachings

example, Tom Campbell is an awakened computer scientist/physicists and for him, the same structure of existence is a large computer simulation which is running


Osho lived out in his own way

sadhguru in his own way .. etc etc and giving out knowledge and teachings in his own cultural style - though he does try to be and is quite global in his approach


is there a single consciousness mind which is ALL KNOWING of these infinite experiences SIMULTANEOUSLY ?


for example, say if Jesus was enlightened, he certainly saw that ALL is ONE and he IS PART of that. HE IS THAT

yet. seeing out the limited window from Jesus's life 

he did not know about the fact that there exists life in the other part of the yet undiscovered north america and say anything about that etc.

but that one single consciousness who is the CONCURRENT AND SIMULTANEOUS know-er of all that exists is THE FULL ABSOLUTE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS


i believe that the one who awakens does know and realize that it is all ONE and he is one part of the window of this infinite building

and the "eyes" which see out of not one, but all infinite windows of experience at the same time is WHAT GOD IS

WE ARE BUT A FRAGMENT OF THAT - even as a fully realized awakened being

the awakened are having GOD AWARENESS of the experience in which they were born as in form


now the fact that if they zone out of the form world and can go deeper and deeper into the absolute might allow for THE FULL INFINITE God level consciousness but the awakened master when in form and living as such like a guru or whatever is much lower than the full god level consciousness


i guess thats what the ever never ending deepening of understanding refers to for a fully enlightened master 




Love Is The Answer

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@Nahm is that a belief

or known by you in your experience ?

if that is the case

then the the wholeness/completeness which is felt. is that what ALL KNOWING implies. KNOWING that all which occurs is myself modulating as various energy forms within myself?

not knowing the specific experiences as knowledge/information itself? the totality of them all?


i think in its simplicity it may very well be the case

unless i just cannot grasp this in my current ego mind state...


to keep it short and simple


if there are only 3 Tv shows for example

of 3 protagonists and their life story / event

all 3 are living in a diff city 

dont know each other etc...

i watch all 3 tv shows. all seasons 

then I ask the watcher and know-er of these 3 tv shows KNOW ALL OF WHAT HAPPENED/TRANSPIRED in each of the 3 character's experience 


those characters from their respective point of view had direct knowing of ONLY their own experience

but I ask the watcher of all 3 knew them


so u mean to say, it does not work that way?

that there isnt a single HIGHER INFINITE being knowing all the TV SHOWS OF HUMAN/ALL-ELSE's existence in all it's infinite possibilities?


or IT DOES NOT NEED to know in that sense, for IT IS  ALL THOSE EXPERIENCES itself


being it = knowing it


i guess i am using/applying the word/phrase "knowing/knowing of experience" in human terms but it means/implies something greater and non-comprehend-able for a human mind


<3 bless

Love Is The Answer

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I like your posts, but the paragraphs are really hard to read.. It would be easier to keep them more compact instead all of the spaces haha.

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@Tistepiste thank you for the feedback

i have always wondered about it myself but kept it going as i never got a feedback

i have a tendency to press the enter key (use whatsapp web a lot and MSN from back in the days LOL)

noticed that i kept pressing enter in this post too haha

pressed it yet again, but only to be mindful of the fact that i did and am now smiling to myself :) 


@Nahm yeah... maybe so. had some deepening insights into the structure of the absolute and these questions/thought came about. thank you for nudging me past the illusions :) 

Love Is The Answer

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