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I look younger than my age and it is bothering me. How can I change that?

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Hey guys,


I am a 26 year old man and I look younger than my age. I am fairly skinny but above average in height according to the statistics of my country (6ft/182cm), have a dense, dark beard, consider myself moderately attractive and am usually confident. Looking younger is one of my big insecurities because I am struggling with attracting and getting attention from women my age outside of online dating and mostly attract young party-type girls usually from the age of 16 to 21 whom I reject because most of them are not ready for the type of commitment I am looking for (living together, building an existence, getting children etc.). Another problem is that I rarely get respected by people of my age until they really get to know me because at first glance they always assume I am only 18 or 20 and have no life experience. In fact, I have at least the same or more life experience than most people of my age.

The older members of my family always tell me that I am lucky I look so young because once I hit the 40s and 50s I might look like 30 and the women will love it. My problem with this is that I do not want to wait until I hit the 40s and 50s and it is bad for my self-esteem and confidence when people just won't respect or see me as an equal at first.

So what can I do to appear more mature and according to my age?


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One answer might be that you need a lot of internal work to fight your insecurities.

Another answer is: eat more meat, do some deadlifting, expose yourself to cold, and stop eating estrogen boosting food.

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@DK092 You dont have to retransform your whole body, as Michael is saying, do the inner work, it has so many benefits! :) 

Being interested in what you eat and how you exercise can also help a lot! 

When it comes to emotions, like this urge to be attractive, you dont always have to go to the roots of that problem, you can just delete the urge, thats always an option, if you are open to it! Watch more videos from Leo, they can help you with your problems if you take them seriously.

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Do you want a life in which you are constantly trying to appeal to everybody and how they think?

Because the answer will be you will lose. Always.

Take a path in not caring about what others think and to be secure. Leo has plenty of videos on this stuff.

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You can't be confident if you have insecurities about attracting women.

Find why and how to eradicate those insecurities, otherwise they will dominate the rest of your life.

Don't focus on women so much now, you need at least as much internal work than dating/relationship experience if not more.

I see a lot of men still having issues about dating and with relationships even though they had lots of them, so clearly the main problem isn't there.

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This is something you shouldn't worry about.

I look younger than my age too and it doesn't bother me.

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PiCs WoUlD HelP

more than likely, 

Get a hair cut. Like actually pay for one. Shred up. Stop placating. INSTANT Maturity 


As for the people, relationships start out with assumptions. You could try meeting new people at various places. Some will assume you are younger, others not so much. It might not have as much to do with you as it does the area you are in, or the context.

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it means you age slower so potentially you might be living longer , thats a good thing. Embrace what you have and learn to accept things you cannot change. It could be that your pituitary is not producing enough growth hormone, testicles not producing enough testosterone or thyroid subfunctioning slightly or simply genetics....Nowadays we are all about faster metabolism, faster growth, more muscle, more hair faster faster faster... But you want to slow these things down. Everything that happens too fast ages you af. 

Instead of focusing on what you lack focus on what you can improve, work on your skills, on your personal development and in 10 years time you will jump ahead of all the pretty neat boys who get all the pussy. As a successful masculine man who is capable confident and well develped you will not have a problem attracting a lot of high quality women in your life. 

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I look too 10 years younger as those around me point it so often. I fact I love it. Yeah, when I was 26 and people generally gave me less than 20, in a stage in my life, I also hated it in a way. But after 30, now I'm really proud of me :)

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