
What is the mind ?

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14 minutes ago, LiakosN said:

I assumed that the word 'mind' was identical with the word 'brain' and that the so called 'brain' is responsible for producing every thought. Maybe thoughts are produced from nothing. They just arise from nothing. Maybe there is 1 single mind (which is Consciousness?)  that produces thoughts that "individual" minds capture.

So my assumption is that the 'mind' is just an object inside Consciousness and sometimes Consciousness identifies with it.

Think of all the ways you actually use the word 'mind' in your daily life.  Write as many examples down as you can.  Actually sit down and do this, maybe set a timer for like 5 minutes and freewrite for the whole 5 minutes.  Then post us your top 5 examples of how you actually use the word 'mind' in your life.

Video on point to watch:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@LiakosN Mind is illusion-Maya.  

 What is beyond mind is what is ultimately aware of all that happens within mind. 

Nothing wrong with mind as a tool to navigate within the illusion of space/time reality. But it's not real. The proof is it's beginning and ending just like a dream.

If the mind knew what it doesn't want to know it would instantly annihilate. So it stays firmly couched in it's foundation of physical reality and holds tight to it.



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@Joseph Maynor I'll do it, I am currently contemplating what language is.

@cetus56 Does Maya include emotions, feelings, perceptions, fears, desires the body ?

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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45 minutes ago, Nahm said:


You can see this now. Do you see thoughts arise in a linear, one at a time, fashion?

Yes, that's for sure. One at a time. Thoughts seem like they arise continuously from nowhere and 'someone or something' is aware of them (well, most of the time). Sometimes I laugh. Sometimes I hear 'voices' or see images (like having sex). It seems like they reside between my two ears, behind the eyes, somewhere in the brain area, but I do not know exactly were. As the body moves in the space it seems that thoughts move too in the space ( O.o wtf?  ). The only thing that my body-brain can do is to cover up empty space...

Edited by LiakosN

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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1 hour ago, LiakosN said:

 Does Maya include emotions, feelings, perceptions, fears, desires the body ?

@LiakosN Do dreams?

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Identity, Persona. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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9 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@LiakosN Do dreams?

Actually not. There is only an awareness of the dream, because if there was not, then I would not wake up remembering the dream. Is it correct ?

9 hours ago, ajasatya said:


Did not get you!

9 hours ago, Nahm said:


Do you notice the ‘space’ inbetween the thoughts?

Yes, mainly while I am meditating. But where is that 'space' ? I do not know.

I want to ask you, when I am looking at the space in the night am I that space ?

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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@Nahm I am starting to understand that with thoughts I can not understand. The only thing I understand is that I (can) understand. Even though I do not understand, I still understand that I do not understand. And the loop continues.... There is always understanding, isn't there? 

Edited by LiakosN

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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Infinite alone self (One / You), are limiting your infinite self, to create the appearance of Two; to create a universe, a person, a world - a life. Fooling yourself into thinking and believing you are person, and are with “other people”.     All of this is done using you ; a magical,  mystical, unexplainable “ __________ “. 

Once you are convinced you’re the person you’re creating, you can see that indeed you are still  Infinite, by being aware of the infinite nature of the imagination. From the infinite imagination, arises, in appearance,  in linear dualistic fashion, or, one at a time - thoughts. 

If the thought is - unified or true to the actuality of this - , from a perspective of connection, whole, synchronistic, “I am everything” “I am nothing” - unifying in nature - then it feels good, because it is true. 

If the thought is of separation and therefore not true to the actuality of this, - from a perspective of “I am a finite thing, a part and not the whole” or “I am only a body / brain” or “I am alive & I will die” - then you forgot what you are. This is rigid, causing tension in the body, creating the need to let go and relax the body.

With the mind, scan the body, just as it is. Be aware of any areas of tension. Take big breaths and breathe slowly. Allow your entire body to sink into gravity - feel the relaxing effect. Feel into the body. Feel the muscles relax, - relax deeper and deeper. 



To see how “the loop” works:

Forget everything you just read by getting caught up in thinking that you are not what is aware of thinking, seeing, objects - thinking you actually ARE one of the objects - by identifying with the object: body & thoughts.

Go back to the top.


Quite funny, in understanding, no?



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4 hours ago, LiakosN said:

Actually not. There is only an awareness of the dream, because if there was not, then I would not wake up remembering the dream. Is it correct ?

@LiakosN Someday the mind will awaken from the dream of self it created just as it awakens from a dream in sleep.

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@Nahm Thanks you for reminding me to relax my body. It is something that I need to remember to myself to do constantly. Relaxing the body and breathing can get me to the I, the aware Presence. I combine Reikian Therapy with Holotropic Breath work and Body Awareness and the effects are magical!

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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@cetus56 Maybe not, or rather it will (for sure) when the body dies.

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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