
Does Hard Work Always Pay Off?

8 posts in this topic

Do not say to me "yes it does" without any argumentation,
cuz without the arguments it's just make no sense.

For example let's say that i'm often overeat and i have no problem with my weight at all, but in a long run i should not do it.

Logicaly i understeand it, but in real situation my brain like "gimme a strong reason to do it or i won't" and any "but somewhere in future..." just doesn't work.

It is a necessary skill, cuz most part of all what i'm doing has delayed gradufication.
And i'm sure that you facing the same problem, so we need to get together to solve it.
Any ideas?

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You'll have to work extremely hard, but smart, very very smart. Don't just grab a hammer and start smashing a tree thinking it will fall, you need a axe for that. You are being lied to by your brain, your ego is deceiving you, it wants immediate satisfaction. Meditate in the morning, this will set the pace for the day, also jump out of bed if you have an alarm to train your subconscious to think that you are energized and ready to take on the day. I do this I lot, deceiving the mind and training it like a dog, ruling it with an iron fist. Eliminate all distractions and do positive affirmations when in the mirror such as self-talk, and tell yourself you will work hard, and put yourself through ruthless self-discipline. The ego will lead to all miseries, it must be destroyed. Master routines, everything in life is a routine, and re-wire your subconscious to your liking. If you want to be a hard worker, tell yourself you already are a hard-worker, brain wash yourself, say things like "I love working so damn hard, it makes me feel so good", milk that subconscious for every drop of sustenance it has. It takes 21 days to instill a habit. 


Discipline is the mother of all achievement, so master it 

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Practical, no theory bullshit and gets straight to the point with application



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I don't think hard work pays off unless it's work you actually want to be doing, from your true self perspective. 

I'm "working" far less now and making more progress than I ever have towards having a happy, peaceful life. 

If you often overeat and have no problems... Well, you are likely free of beliefs that your food will harm you, so it doesn't.

I disagree completely with the reply above. It might be true for some people, particularly those only concerned with the physical outcome of their own realities, but it will not bring inner fulfillment. It will not fix permanently the problems in your life. 

I don't need discipline or will power or whatever you want to call it. If it's something that's right for me, I'll do it, and not even need to talk myself into why I 'should'. But I don't care what anyone else thinks I should be doing anyways. I'm not going to beat myself up anymore just because what's right for me is wrong in their mind. 

You have to figure out what's wrong in your mind. It's a different kind of "work". It takes time, it's emotionally so difficult. It's so much easier to put yourself on a strict routine so you can avoid dealing with your inner self. 

I'm a free spirit, man. Routine and discipline suffocates me. That's how I wound up in a giant pit of despair in the first place. Always telling myself if I just do what this guy says I should do, things would be better. Hahaha. 

Work at what YOU feel inspired to. Screw what anyone else thinks. They are not you. 

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5 hours ago, Parki said:

"gimme a strong reason to do it or i won't" and any "but somewhere in future..." just doesn't work.

Yes. The reason has to be found in the now.. So to speak.. Using the example of to much food.. It wouldn't function in my case either because  I would instantly respond to myself something like: I do a little more sport after this and it won't matter concerning my weight..

So the benefit has to be recognized and felt right know: How do you feel while eating? Do you ever taste, smell and see what you eat? Do you savor it? Can you feel in your body when you are full or just a little before? If you stay in your body while eating, you would never eat to much because you feel uncomfortable (except you want to experience it how it feels like :))

In my opinion it can only happen to you to do things which eventually go wrong later, if you do them while being mentally absent.. You know what I mean?

Is it a hart job? Don't know.. It seems it's a more intensive life when you are present in the things you do. Tell me (or yourself) one where it isn't the case..



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I'd argue that work pays off, but not hard work. But it's ultimately a matter of how one defines and experiences hard work. If you mean hard work in the sense that you are constantly killing yourself and feel you are always pushing yourself against the stream, you will undoubtedly lose the battle in the long run.

If you mean hard work in the sense that you know what you want - and you take the necessary action - while staying congruent and composed internally, then hard work definitely pays off. This does not mean that you never have to make any sacrifices, it just means that you always honor yourself.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Not always. Work smarter, not harder.

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Sometimes working smart does also take up time and energy. Yes overall, work smartly, but most of the time, it require hard work.

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