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Alignment test

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Hello everybody. Today I wanted talk about the so called ''Alignment test''. I only know about this for a short amount of time and since I discovered, I wondered what you guys would think about this. I will link it down below, but before that let me give you a quick list of what it is. 

This test is supposed to say what kind of human you are. You have the following categories:
Lawful Good
Neutral Good 
Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral
True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil

Each have there own very deep definition. I can't go into detail here, because there's is an entire website dedicated about this. I could never summarize the amount of information that that website has. It might be just for me, because I recently discovered this while watching a YT video. It seemed like the guys in the video knew about it like it is something very old. It is, however I never heard of it. So I think the chances are that this isn't anything news. 

Anyways here is the link. Take care everyone

That link is for the test. You can find the explanation of each of the categories in the bar on the left. 

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