
Samadhi and fractals

10 posts in this topic


Maybe this question will sound stupid or non-interesting, but it got me genuinely intrigued. I figured at least one of you could give me an answer.

I've been watching Samadhi movie part 2. When the author talks about the samadhi state, he often presents fractals on screen as such:


or this:


My question is: when realizing samadhi, does one actually see/perceive such fractals? Or is it just a semi-adequate representation of absolute infinity?


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There are no fractals unless your are tripping balls.

Samadhi is identical to whatever you're seeing right now. Same stuff is seen, just under a different context.

Samadhi is ALWAYS the case. There can't not be samadhi. The only problem is that your mind is giving your present experience a false dualistic context which makes you unaware of the ever-present samadhi.

Look at your hand for a long time without any thoughts. That is basically samadhi.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There are no fractals unless your are tripping balls.

Samadhi is identical to whatever you're seeing right now. Same stuff is seen, just under a different context.

Samadhi is ALWAYS the case. There can't not be samadhi. The only problem is that your mind is giving your present experience a false dualistic context which makes you unaware of the ever-present samadhi.

Look at your hand for a long time without any thoughts. That is basically samadhi.

That makes sense, thanks Leo!

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If you want to see fractals, just look at a tree.

They are everywhere in nature, just open your eyes.

No need to trip balls.

The universe has a fractal shape.

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@Leo Gura will you do a video about the negative effects of enlightenment on the body ? I might be having a self-deception but after glimpses of no-self experience and "i'm not the body" experience I suddenly feel I'm alive for the first time. I do nearly everything consciously. But my body feels weaker than before. Sometimes I feel more nervous. I have a feeling my nervous system has become intensely alive. Is enlightenment not good for the body? I think I'm moving in this path the right way because my sex drive has increased dramatically but my body feels extremely light

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Fractals / sacred geometry are often associated with slipping into that infinite space.
Once you have merged, there is nothing left to be perceived whatsoever.
These patterns can be used as pointer, since they are the final thing you see before going into samadhi (on some psychedelics at least).

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Baotrader See video: The Dark Side Of Meditation

i followed and watch nearly all your videos. I mean it can make your body weak for ever not just temporarily. But from your reply i will deduct it will not

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You are in samadhi and you are seeing these fractals

You think you're making a post about samadhi and fractals and I think I'm replying to a post about samadhi and fractals

See beyond the storyline and see what is


Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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