
It was never about the things, was it?

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All the good self actualization books, gurus, practices; where are they really pointing towards?

Superficially, it seems like they are promising all the goodies like more money, lovers, fame, success, enlightenment etc. but to what end? Earning millions of dollars to earn more millions? Having a good love what? better health to what?  better personality to what? You get the idea I hope.

There comes a point; and it comes soon if you're honestly looking. The end goal becomes the Force itself, not the 'activity' of the Force!

For example, the real reason to learn to be abundant is not to earn millions after millions but to FEEL and SOAK in that abundance irrespective of money.

The shy kid who's working his ass off on self esteem and fighting loneliness, his end is not to make 100 friends or manipulating every person that he comes across but to be so grounded and authentic that he enjoys healthy self esteem 24/7 irrespective of people and circumstances.

The seeker who is being aware; what's the point of being aware? The point of being aware is to be AWARE. Not to be aware of objects :P

What's the point of love? The end goal of love is not to love a particular object or person. But to drown in the sea of love itself!

So I guess you get what I'm trying to say. The point of the Force is to live in the Force, not the activity of the Force. Thus it all goes full circle and completes the perfect strange loop. What else could you expect from this wacky loopy Reality? The point of Reality is to be itself. What else could it do? :D

But the gurus rarely talk this openly. They use all the goodies and flashy baits to reel the seekers in.

Feel free to express your contemplation along these lines :) 

Edited by Preetom

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The ego is what is seeking,and the ego seeks "flashy things" (bait), in which it can aquire. The guru knows the workings of the ego and uses it's seeking,desirous nature to reel it in. Once the ego is "enamored" with the flashy things it thinks it will acquire,the guru then uses it to lead to it's own demise.

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7 minutes ago, who chit said:

The ego is what is seeking,and the ego seeks "flashy things" (bait), in which it can aquire. The guru knows the workings of the ego and uses it's seeking,desirous nature to reel it in. Once the ego is "enamored" with the flashy things it thinks it will acquire,the guru then uses it to lead to it's own demise.

How else could it work! Can you imagine a financial self help product selling which declares ''your end goal is not to chase money'' right off the bat? 

Can you imagine a real spiritual guru selling his products who declares ''you won't find happiness in this process but you'll lose all concepts of happiness and suffering along with everything else'' ? :P


Edited by Preetom

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It’s impossible to explain in words. Truth is destroyed by language and in most cases the seeker is so deep in delusion that any words will be misconstrued to the detriment of the intent. Thus the game :)

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8 hours ago, Barry J said:

It’s impossible to explain in words. Truth is destroyed by language and in most cases the seeker is so deep in delusion that any words will be misconstrued to the detriment of the intent. Thus the game :)

And yet we have to talk. Or else there is no possibility in the first place.

The best way all talks can serve, is by deconstruction. It becomes a trap when language is used to construct things and believing in them as objective truths.

''Not this...

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