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Self inquiry over Other Practices? + QUESTION FOR LEO ???

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I'm gonna answer from what I've understood so far. By Enlightenment I'm strictly talking about effortless, permanent non dual awareness. Every time I've peaked into that state, it's all so obvious and effortless. Just like right now I'm feeling like a located person, in that state I don't feel myself being located. No concept is possible to describe it because there is no concept in that place. Awareness can be a word to point to this state but honestly speaking, that word falls short as well. It's just death of all questions and knowing. Just being. Even that is not formulated.

Now is it possible to make that state permanent? If it is, then I'd say it is worth more than 100 billion dollars. It's literally impossible to suffer from that state. My mind says it isn't possible to hold that state permanently but when I'm in it, it's all so obvious.

So my point is, permanent Enlightenment is being non located awareness and 99.99% of the time not feeling like a located, trapped human being. I guess Leo hasn't reached this permanent place yet. It's nothing extraordinary. Just like right now you believe you're a human, you just drop that belief and an entire recontextualization happens in your attention, subjective reality and feelings.

About practice: Enlightenment is an attention game. Really, there is no ego and enlightenment. It all boils down to the nature of your attention. There is nothing in your subjective reality other than your attention. 

Attention has 2 functions. 1) It's stickiness or direction or orientation 2) It's state (either still or fluctuating) duration

You need to work on both. Practices like inquiry, contemplation, autolysis or  any deconstructing practices are used to deconstruct all assumptions and beliefs. It is a thought killing all other bullshit thoughts. The stickiness of your attention is faded more and more, it ceases to identify with any object. From here, you start tapping into Enlightenment many times or on command,

But you're work ain't done yet! You can't hold that dis-identified attention longer than few seconds. Now comes the concentration practices like meditation to keep attention on one place. Being aware of being aware.

This is why Self inquiry as Ramana prescribed as a two step practice is considered the best and only complete practice needed for enlightenment. In the first step, you ask questions like 'who am I?' for deconstruction. In the second step, you're being aware of awareness which he called the I-I awareness. There is no rigid boundary between the steps. You use the questions to kill thoughts. When thoughts are gone you're being aware of being aware. 

Enlightenment is bound to happen if this is persistently kept up. At one point, all this talks will collapse and it's impossible to define what will happen. Really, there are many records of being Enlightened in less than 2 years in this process. There maybe lots of maturing and discovering to be done forever but the non located, non dual awareness is there. Whatever new spiritual truths(oh the mind loves hoarding MORE stuff huh?) are there, it will unfold on it's own from there.

Hope it helps :)


Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Those who have brought themselves to know are awakened, those in the know are also enlightened and those who are awakened, enlightened and free of conscious or repressed beliefs are enlightened masters.      

As everyone on here apparently  still has belief work to do, it doesn't look like we have an enlightened master among us at the moment. :)

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11 hours ago, Preetom said:



Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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