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Self inquiry over Other Practices? + QUESTION FOR LEO ???

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ever since this past Saturday - i have been gravitated towards self-inquiry contemplation more than ever before

it seems the more and more videos i have watched of enlightened masters, they almost seem to indicate that the 20-30 years they spent on practices/mediation were a waste.. and what truly needs to be realized is that there is no I... practices perpetuate the imaginary self.. the imaginary self is trying to rid of itself and this trying to get rid of  is what keeps it alive/going


is this what i should focus on? over meditation for example?


or is it really difficult to see thru the illusion if one is quite new/beginner to this stuff?

maybe meditation and other practices bulk one up so to speak to ready them so the illusion is seen thru easier?


also. on this note. it seems so simple to "me" that self inquiry can be used to see one is that which KNOWS all phenomena, moment by moment - only ever in the NOW

@Leo Gura you have said on many occasions on this forum that you do not claim to be and are not enlightened


is that the fact that you're unable to see thru the illusion? i have seen your videos in which you are able to "at will" become consciousness that you're within/are the absolute ...

so why is that you say you are not enlightened? there is still some work you'd like to do as your ego? you are not able to fully let go of your attachments?


to me, if you are doing all this work as others like Mooji, E.Tolle, Ruper Spira, Adyashanti (many more) are doing Satsangs... that would make sense..


are you not able to self-abide in awareness because there are some last bit of ego traps you have to work thru? (which i doubt as you have done 5-Meo so many times and have enough experience and understanding of reality) 


why are you not enlightened yet? are you still seeking and have yet to realize "at some point in the future" that there is nothing more to seek / never was anything to seek. you already were enlightened and self realized?



*prepares myself for Leo's tough Love answer*
*hopes there is an answer at all*




Edited by SoonHei
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Love Is The Answer

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Don't stop to meditate.

Meditate at least 20 minutes per day, you need that to calm the bonobo mind.

And it helps for self inquiry since you are will be more centered.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I would still practice meditation just due to the myriad of health benefits (physical, mental and emotional). On the other hand, self inquiry seems to be centered around realizing a state of being-ness, which is ultimately the "action" being taken during any type of meditation. You are "being" in the moment, utterly present and everlastingly aware. Though self inquiry helps point towards the right direction, building the laser pointed focus required for self-inquiry to be effective is achieved (in my experience) through various meditation techniques such as counting, mantras, kriya yoga, metta-focused meditation, etc.  

It's almost like in order for self inquiry to be effective, one needs the focus built form other meditation techniques. Many techniques work quite synergistically so I wouldn't give up old fashion meditation. 

I'd be interested in what Leo's opinion is though. 

Edited by Consilience

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Yup. I find keeping a mix of both would be the best way


Goal is to live a better life as body-mind-ego


And then live as a self realized being




Love Is The Answer

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33 minutes ago, SoonHei said:


Goal is to live a better life as body-mind-ego


And then live as a self realized being




@SoonHei  don’t try to live a better life, just live as you are and both goals will converge 

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I would like to know this too.

Stopping meditation would feel very unnatural and forced. Like I was trying to please some authority figure. 

Edited by Artaemis

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@Barry J I can't put it into words. I just sense that I'm procrastinating and I thought I might as well be honest. 

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@Artaemis  honesty is a valuable vehicle. Maybe the mind creates the idea of procrastination? To distract you from where you already are?

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@Barry J Hm. I think that's what I meant by procrastinating. I'm distracting myself from where I already am. Instead of turning 'inward'. I turn outward toward others for answers. My knowing and intuition has taken a backseat. 

Sometimes I think I'm too honest. I spend long hours being honest in meditation and affects the way I communicate. I'm automatically honest, open and vulnerable. 

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Here's how it happened for me: I needed a lot of theory (and needed to do a lot of writing) to empty my cup.  I had to analyze my way out of the cup so to speak, as paradoxical as that is.  (And analysis was not enough, seeing was also required too.)  Once outside of the cup, practice becomes much more important.  Most people are still inside the cup, and they gotta exhaust that before they see that practice is most important.  You need to light the fuse of theory and it needs to burn itself out for you however that has to happen and for as long as that has to happen.  Just keep doing the work.  Eventually, if you're anything like me, you'll be able to let go of the contents of the cup and realize that all of it was illusion and Egoic distraction all along.  One characteristic of the true Self is that it exists alone outside of all illusory Maya, outside of all illusory Thought and Experience. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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9 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Here's how it happened for me: I needed a lot of theory (and needed to do a lot of writing) to empty my cup.  I had to analyze my way out of the cup so to speak, as paradoxical as that is.  Once outside of the cup, practice becomes much more important.  Most people are still inside the cup, and they gotta exhaust that before they see that practice is most important.  You need to light the fuse of theory and it needs to burn itself out for you however that has to happen and for as long as that has to happen.  Just keep doing the work.  Eventually, if you're anything like me, you'll be able to let go of the contents of the cup and realize that all of it was illusion and distraction all along.

Still holding the cup?

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@Barry J  

By inwards I mean turn to Spirit for answers. Answers flow through. Spirit is neither or both inwards and outwards. 

My self preservation mechanisms I think. Sometimes the emotions that surface as a result can be overwhelming and I lose control. However I progress further on my path when I am honest usually. 

Edited by Artaemis

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Self inquiry is a "practice" regardless of those who believe it isn't. In the yoga tradition it is only one of six ways to liberation/truth.
There's Jnana yoga (self inquiry),Bhakti yoga,Kriya/Pranayama yoga,Karma yoga,Raja yoga and Hatha yoga. The integration/use of all 6 would be Raja yoga. Instead of just sticking to one,there is the use/incorporation of all 6. Patanjali's Yoga sutras go into this.

Aside from that, practices such as meditation,kriya etc., are for developing a deep inner silence which gives rise in many traditions to what is known as the witness. Inquiring within the inner silence is known as relational self inquiry. Inquiring with a chaotic or busy mind would be non-relational inquiry,which would defeat the real usefulness and power of self inquiry.

So to answer the question, practices that silence the mind, plus inquiry, would be the way to go,imho.

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36 minutes ago, Artaemis said:

My self preservation mechanisms (Ego) I think. Sometimes the emotions that surface as a result can be overwhelming and I lose control (Ego)


it needs to be let go at some point

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