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Just The Placebo Effect...

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We are talking mind over matter here! O.o

I invite you doing here a mega thread on the Placebo or Nocebo effect, explain your experience and solution for avoiding  getting sick & healing with the mind.

Did you have the experience and discovered for yourself that the mind controlled the body? How did it happen?

For me, more than a decade ago, with the start of Youtube, I used to be into conspiracy theories, got caught in the dream, digging for evil and answers for all the evil on the planet. 

My immune system got very low, so I got sick, I had flue symptoms for weeks, I notice that every time I watch one of these documentaries, I got sick the next day for a week. Then I recovered quiet fully, then I watch a negative documentary again and got sick again... I couldn't not got to work for 2 month or longer, I couldn't not even go to an appointment to see my boss who was pissed off not seeing me at work for so long!

It was impossible not to make the link between the two. This is when I had my epiphany! I had the physical proof.

It went a bit like this:

"OMG if I'm able to create myself a living hell out of negative thoughts (which was a depression really) which leads me to sickness, I can also reverse that and create myself a living paradise of health! What If I'm starting to look for positive information?"

That is one of my most important moment of my life! That is were my journey into spirituality and self-help started. Today I'm so thankful to have had that depression! 


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience on the subject!

Edited by Nic

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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