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Amazement Meditation! Wow Just Wow

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I think I may have discovered a powerful new meditation technique. Note I was not high during this meditation. So since my last challenging psychedelic trip, I've been following my intuition. So today I was driving home from work. Thinking deeply about life. About meditation, and how they always say let go, let go, let go of this and let go of that. But shit I'm not left with much of anything left from all this letting go. So I decided with my intuition to go the opposite direction, to use desire and love for my meditation. I already had this music bellow that I was listening to so I just followed with that inward. I began to visualize and feel a powerful energy, I made it into the yin yang symbol, but for me it represented something of awe something mysterious with great power from heaven for lack of a better word. I was following the energy. I thought I was looking into something so mysterious and captivating like from a DMT trip. I made it into an atom spinning. And I was getting in touch with my inner energy. I did this by using my intuition just feeling awe and amazement going deeper and deeper surrendering layer by layer. Tightening my throat chakra slightly to make tension focusing, and concentrating my eye chakras to harness the energy I was channeling. Eventually I reached a point where I felt like my whole body was about to be engulfed by this energy. I decided to stop because I was driving. LOL Given all that perhaps nothing was going to happen, but I feel like I am on to something. But shit I am just scratching my head wondering why the hell hasn't anyone in the spiritual community told me about this.


Driftmoon - Time For Change


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