
Meditation experiance

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I had meditation experience very different than usual. I meditate 20 minutes every day and one day I set my timer accidentally 2 hours instead. I was fully awake and my back was straight. Suddenly I saw a big closed eye in front of my nose and it opened so quickly that I was up on my feet in 2 seconds. 

When I looked the time I saw that one hour had passed but I have no images or any thoughts from this period. 

Not long ago I discovered my life purpose  and passion with Leo's help in hes Life Purpose Course.

After this meditation experience I went to sleep and in the morning I decided to quit my business in two different areas and go living in my car to develop my passion and read books in different Europe countries . I feel that I need to be out of my comfort zone and in the nature for that.

I don't know from where I got this power to make so big change in my life but it felt like it was something to do with this experience.



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Boy..... that escalated quickly.

I think you are on the right track if you want to be out of your comfort zone. 


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