
physical manifestations along with mystical experience

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A few disclaimers...

This is my first post, I joined here just to ask this. I only found this forum a few days ago, and it seems like a very active place. I have never meditated or studied or tried to attain "enlightenment" or "awakening". 

I had a completely spontaneous enlightenment experience (or whatever you call it here, those who know, know that it can't be put it words) last year. I didn't even know what happened until I researched it online later. I have a detailed written account of the several hour event that most of you would not bother reading. 


However,  during this event, there were times when I spoke words that were not initiated in my mind. There was no thought, then a millionth of a nano second later the words were spoken....the words were just spoken. There were certain thoughts and words that I could not put in my mind, nor say aloud. (Curse words)


At one point I was in a state of ecstasy,  convinced that something amazing was about to happen in the universe and was texting very crazy things in a group text. After a couple of texts, and the recipients responding that I must be on drugs, I tried to type to explain that I was serious, but when my thumbs went to type it there was something like a forcefield blocking them. I just sat back and thought.. No way this is really happening.... I finally got my thumbs on the phone and started typing but NOTHING would show up on the screen. I raked my fingers across the keys (it has physical keys) and nothing happened. I just gave up and put it in my pocket. It had not done that before, or since then. In retrospect I believe I was being protected from whatever I was going to type next. And also I believe this happened to prove to me that this was not all in my head.

Thank you to anyone who takes time to read this and provide any thoughts on it. If there are no responses that is fine as well. I just want people to know that there is more than what goes on inside our minds regarding this. 

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Would you be concerned if it was all in your head? 

Tip: If it ain't broke.....and it won't be...

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@i am I AM

If it was all in my head, I would wonder if it was some sort of psychotic episode, even though I have no history of such. It would mean that it was still possible that there is no God. With things happening that in no way could've come from my mind, I know without a doubt that God was doing this. I still don't know why though. Why me, and not someone who was seeking this, or was hopeless, etc. Before this I was 100 percent content with my life. Plenty of money, high paying job, hot girlfriend, lots of stuff, etc. I still have those things (girlfriend is now wife) in spite of this, but I know none of the material things matter. 

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Wow...I'm curious, how do you feel about yourself? Do you differentiate you from the rest? 

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Welcome to the forum. You’re at the right place. Lots of people here sharing very similar experience, trying to make sense of things, and helping each other out. 

I relate a lot with what you shared. Specifically the ‘inconsistent reality’ of electronics. I agree with you, there is a higher power, and I suggest it is showing you the possibilities of tuning into the subtleties in ‘everyday reality’. 

In my experience, there is infinite intelligence, infinite love, at play. This infinity appears as objects, people, etc - everyday stuff. But it is not everyday stuff, it is a miracle. Sounds like you were fortunate enough to experience a big phat dose of this. We’re all a little jelly. ? 

Perhaps what you experienced, is at the least, on the fringe of nonduality, or maybe, a strong inclination of it. That will probably be confusing af for a bit, but ultimately, it is the most worthwhile discovery, and relationship possible. 

There is an ‘impression of me as an individual’ which gets purged, or purified, as the delusion of this begins to be noticed, and eventually realized. Doubts & fears will be triggered, because none of them are true, nor were they ever true. Love is true, you are true, all is well - is actually true. The brain’s gonna try to hang on to perspectives to the contrary of this. As it does, use everything at your disposal, meditation, exercise, videos by nonduality teachers, clean eating, and be as open and honest as you can - make use of the forum. 

As you’re continuing to wake up, careful with what you share with people who are deluded with duality, they will think you are crazy. You are certainly not crazy. This is going to lead to things so wonderful, that you can’t even imagine right now, and most people, unfortunately, will never relate or investigate for themselves. The forum is a fine community for sharing these things. Don’t suppress or ignore, share. 

Give Jim Carrey a search on Youtube. He’s done some ‘fractal outbursts’, etc, and it might be comforting to see someone else going through the phases of waking up.  

It’s not happening ‘in your head’, you are not psychotic, there is most definitly God ☺️. A book or two, and some videos on nonduality will reveal to you much peace. Meditation also. 

18 minutes ago, Nondescript said:

Plenty of money, high paying job, hot girlfriend, lots of stuff, etc

That is why this is happening. Because you’re ready, and you can handle it. You’re waking up, to the adventure of a lifetime, follow that tease, those breadcrumbs of bliss. All is well. It’s supposed to be fun - but that will always be up to you.

This kinda sums of life nicely, doesn’t it?.....

“physical manifestations along with mystical experience”



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@i am I AM

What I learned during the experience can't be unlearned. I knew reality was an illusion and nothing is real. That there is no such thing as death. I also believe that life here is so short that it doesn't matter, and as I drifted back to the real world and tried to reacclimate (sp?) that has lead me to The Dark Night of The Soul. Which I learned about while trying to make sense of this. 

Do I differentiate me from the rest? You mean what you all call non-dual? I don't know. I wonder how many people have had a pure experience not influenced by what they have crammed in their heads. Mine was undoubtedly influenced by having read parts of the Bible, specifically about Paul on the road to Damascus. I instantly thought the I was having the same experience. 


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In my quest for answers and to become closer to God, I have read many books. Mainly older stuff. St. John of the Cross, William James, Swedenborg. Rather than accept many truths, and not trying to steer this toward religion,  but I have become a devout Christian because of this. My desire for worldly things, alcohol (I was addicted), money, lust (I used to watch porn), dissappeared immediately during my experience. 

I will listen to your advice, but I always have to reconcile any new truths with my Christian faith. There has to be some compatability. There have to be mysteries yet to be revealed that the human mind can comprehend. 

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@Nondescript I hear you, and I respect your faith ??. I think the more you look into yourself, the more you’ll find a really delightful, complete, and even infinitely funny, compatibility. “I am that I am”, and “The kingdom of heaven is within”, are of the wisest most insightful words ever written. Not to mention this little doozy...gets me every time!.....

 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven

I like to take that as, he didn’t say, “Unless you get real serious and figure everything out...”   I like to think he means, keep it light, fun, compassion, play.

When I think about the possibility of the merging of nonduality, Christianity, and what you have overcome in your life - and what that stands to do for others - goosebumps man, chills. Very happy and excited for you. 



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Thank you for the kind words. I give credit to God for what "I" overcame. A person, through will power can change their ways, but only God can actually take the desire out of their being. My intense craving for alcohol completely dissappeared and has remained gone. Any subtle arrogance, greed, anger, etc., all gone. And it wasn't that I was a bad person before by anyone's standards. If God is "no respector of persons" then why does he choose to enlighten some and not others? That is a question that I can't understand. 

Our time alive here is infinitesimally short compared to eternity. And those cravings inside us for material things, status, wealth, drugs, etc., can never be quenched without God. I hope to not be banned for this, but I can't with good conscience not mention that for everything God does their is a counterfeit of it. If your body void has been filled and you don't crave these types of things, it can be due to a counterfeit. Even if it seemingly does good, or causes peace and love for one another, or miracles it can still be counterfeit. 

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@Nondescript We can only ever rely on what we are, here, now, (etc (?)). So, it only makes sense that help would come to you when you had least expected it (least/less awareness). In the end, whether that help be absolute  or relative, white or black, etc., it popped into your reality. What i mean to say is, awareness can only expand from there. You could say it's counterfeit, it's true, or something in between. That is still within you at this moment, no outer force.

That's how I picture it, in any case.

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Wise words man. ??

Glad you came around. 

Consider, if you like, who else could be enlightened, but you? And perhaps, "our time here" is eternity, maybe such things are not as separate as they appear. 

Counterfeit in that sense, is a new term for me. Would the word, 'falsity', or 'in false understanding', be somewhat synonymous?



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As in a counterfeit Holy Spirit, or "something" that mimics God, but is not God. I sure hope our "time here" is not eternity! 

I'll check out that video when I get a chance. The apocryphal Gospels are intriguing. I can only have faith that they were by divine intervention not in the canon, and not omitted only because man did not consider them authentic or divinely inspired. 

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There's something I dont currently understand. Is faith awareness, but labeled as something "beyond" oneself? Does anyone know/experience with this?

& thanks for sharing @Nondescript

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@i am I AM

The Bible says that faith is substance of things hoped for; evidence for things not seen. 


For me it is knowing something without being able to perceive it yourself in your own consciousness, with your senses, with no proof. 

I am fortunate in that I have direct knowledge/ proof of God, that strengthens my faith in other things I cannot see. There are many synchronicities and answered prayers in my life that strengthen my faith as well. Most people of faith have much stronger faith than me, because they don't have the proof that I do. They have to simply rely on their faith, without any proof whatsoever... which is difficult for a lot of people to understand. And can lead to doubts. I did not have much faith before. I was even borderline agnostic some days. 

I am not sure if that answers your question. I am not a deep thinker like that many here. I know what faith means to me, it may mean something else to someone else. 


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Yes, I may have heard that verse before, but it seems cryptic to me. Thank you for the cool "experience talk" as well. That's really useful^_^ and I wish that happened more often instead of people telling you about something with no relation to exp. I only wanted your definition, anyway *(which has to be in relation to a/some perceived/relative "outer" definition).

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