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Robert Bruce's N.e.w. Energy Ways System

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I thought I'd recommend a system that I have been using for over 10 years, it's Robert Bruce's N.E.W. Energy Ways.

I started opening my chakras in my teens using visualisation techniques. It took a very long time to see any results, most of the time it felt like my imagination and it didn't really get me very far. But when I started practicing Robert Bruce's system I started getting results extremely quickly.  This system requires no visualisation, instead you use what he calls "tactile-imaging" which is more powerful than visualisation by several orders of magnitude. I'm in my 30's now and by practicing on and off it has transformed my life.

The base results I've got from practicing are:
- Increased vitality and libido for days after practice
- Greater personal magnetism from increased energy

And because I used the system to open my higher centers, I also experience the following:
- Regular out of body experiences (I used to get this at least once a week on ocassion)
- Occasional prophetic dreams
- Clairaudience (I can hear entities on ocassion, as clear as anything physical... like wearing headphones)
- I can see etheric objects and fields. For instance: in a pitch black room, under the convers and with my eyes closed, I can see the outlines of my hands quite clearly
- I can feel the presence of higher entities when I connect to them. e.g. if I visualise the Buddha, I see light and feel a sense of freedom and expansiveness. I meditated on the cross of Jesus before and saw physical light in the room and felt hot blissful oil being poured over my head into my body

And more, it's basically changed my life.

The main thing about this system is that because it's much more powerful than visualising, you have to follow the guidelines for working on the energy body, which is mainly that you must open and work on the secondary energy centers in the feet, legs, hands and arms first before proceeding to the primary energy centers (Chakras). The reason is because once you open the chakras, you create a higher energy demand on the body. The body is used to just using energy to fuel your daily activities, so when you start opening the chakras where is the extra energy coming from? If you don't work on the channels that fuel your chakras first then the chakras will burn off your natural energy... this is why you see lots of weak looking people with psychic abilities, it's a tradeoff. So that's important and he guides you through working on the secondary centers... infact if you just work on those you will experience a lot more vitality, magnetism and higher libido, and you can open the higher centers if you want to experience spiritual phenomena etc.

Here's the full system which you can start right away:
Or the same thing broken into different pages:


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On 4/1/2016 at 5:59 AM, brovakhiin said:

Your results sound really snake-oily but I will check it out, thanks.

lol, thanks I take that as a compliment.

It's free, it's not my system and I'm rarely on this forum so there's nothing for me to gain by sharing this with you. I'd just like to see more people practicing what works instead of wasting time on visualising chakras and things like that.

Edited by dlof

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On 4/3/2016 at 11:25 AM, brovakhiin said:

I'm trying it out, doing the stroking along arm and thumb joint exercises. I'm kind of looking at the body part in my head (eyes closed), "looking" at the point my awareness is at, for example if I'm circling my thumb joint my eyes will circle as well behind my eyelids, I don't know, it seems like I'm still visualising, not sure if I'm doing it right. After a minute or so my thumb does start to feel diferent, no tingling but some kind of sensation, like I can feel it clearer. I can't replicate the feeling of an actual finger stroking the skin though.


What do you think? What exactly am I looking for here?

That's really great that you've started practicing this. If you do even just 15-20 minutes a day, you can start getting some powerful results in just a few weeks even. Your sensitivity will increase over time so it will take less time to generate powerful sensations in the body, I'm at the stage where if I do this for just a couple of minutes on my feet they start to get really hot with a very powerful pulsating and buzzing sensation through them.

Don't worry too much about seeing the part of the body in the mind if you can't help it, the main thing is to develop feeling that part of the body with tactile sensations. Seeing won't hinder unless it distracts you too much from feeling. What you can do at first for practice, is when relaxed, is use your physical right hand to brush your left hand and pay attention to how that feels. You can do that a couple of times. And then try and replay the sensation using your mind only, like remembering how it felt to brush your hand like that. With practice you won't need to touch your body first and your etheric body and mind become more sensitive to eachother and it will be easy to start feeling strong sensations in your body parts after a short period of stimulating with your awareness.

It will never feel exactly like your fingers brushing your physical body, but the sensations will get stronger over time and eventually they will be very real and you will be able to feel the energy pulsating strongly in your body parts and the associated effects. Just remember to only work on the hands/arms or feet/legs/hips at first as he discusses in the material for safety reasons.

I'd be interested on how you progress with this over time!


Edited by dlof

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