
in the Big Picture, Am I on a big, giant, infinite Loop?

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Am I?

I come to a kebab store. I've been there, infinite amount of times. I go to the supermarket I have the same discussion about picking the water and which one is cheaper, infinite amount of times. I go to the toilet, I pop a pimple give the key to a girl again. And again and again and again.

What is this phenomena? I'm.

Edited by BarkingTurtle

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Is this a genuine deja vu thing, or do you mean it philosophically, like life is the same thing again and again and again?


ETA: If it's deja vu, maybe you're like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, and the only way to break out of the repetition of similar days (and lives) is to "wake up." He broke out of his predicament by applying love and compassion to everything. Then he was awakened. Groundhog Day is really about enlightenment to me. 

Edited by PsiloPutty

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@PsiloPutty I think they are asking if this is the first time they are living this life.  I've been through that too... never came to a conclusion, and I see no reason the dream couldn't repeat itself. Would definitely explain deja vu though. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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It' a repeated cycle. I always come back to this message to write it and to explain the paradox of discovering the strange loop. The paradox of it is that it is as it is all the time no matter where I go or do.

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Yep. you're in a loop.

You already know what you're going to think of, which influences the actions you do. 99.9% is unconscious, and the other 0.01% is things you see.

Your thoughts are those of the past. The thought themselves, cling onto each other, so essentially a thought last week can reoccur next week. This could be from the memories that are formed perodically, which results in desires, pleasures and joyfulness being formed as well. When a thought or action is pleasurable, you are most likely to do it again and remember it. This is one way of how addiction is started.

Or if you have a memory to do "something", you will obviously do it. It's quite obvious but you need to see it deeper

So with the example of the Kebab shop, your desire and thought of that lovely, tasty and juicy kebab will 100% come back since it's pleasurable.

But it takes serious awareness to see this. Me explaining it right now may challenge you to think about what memory is but won't fully grasp it. If I was you, I would do a research on memory and how thoughts can be expressions of the memory

This doesn't mean you will be stuck in this boring loop. New additions happen to the loop, so for example, instead of a kebaby, you can go for a chinese and the loop goes on from there

Edited by B_Naz

You're not human, you're the universe

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19 hours ago, BarkingTurtle said:

Am I?

I come to a kebab store. I've been there, infinite amount of times. I go to the supermarket I have the same discussion about picking the water and which one is cheaper, infinite amount of times. I go to the toilet, I pop a pimple give the key to a girl again. And again and again and again.

What is this phenomena? I'm.

Why would you believe that?

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On 24/09/2018 at 9:23 PM, PsiloPutty said:

Is this a genuine deja vu thing, or do you mean it philosophically, like life is the same thing again and again and again?


ETA: If it's deja vu, maybe you're like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, and the only way to break out of the repetition of similar days (and lives) is to "wake up." He broke out of his predicament by applying love and compassion to everything. Then he was awakened. Groundhog Day is really about enlightenment to me. 

I never had a "déja vue" I don't even know what people are people talking about reading wiki.  ( I m 25 )
and I did LSD, I had mental loop on the moment, but nothing who makes me even think that I already lived this life or lived in another.. nothing related to it. Probably a feeling mixed with matrix idea in your subconscious guys, but nothing tangible for me. I m not sure about that time don't expand in a way, I know we can advance in a futur, but we can't go back in past. I don't think the universe is a both way time line. There is a time expansion. ( maybe not, but still for me, there is a road we follow, and we didn't ever go back this road, we can stop moving or go fast, but we can't go back )

Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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