
What is love - girls like emotional guys?

170 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Mikael89 said:

Doesn't matter. The only thing which matter is that she has a pussy, if even that.


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6 hours ago, MM1988 said:

I think every man has made the experience that after opening up emotionally to a girl that the girl loses attraction basically instantly. Thats why most guys are stoic, because that is the behaviour that is rewarded by women.


Also, David Deida says femininity is emotional while masculinity is to be like a rock, undisturbed by the waves. Its better to deal with your emotions yourself as a man.

This stuff is nuance. But essentially, as a male you want to be comfortable with your skin and fully into your emotions and feelings. However, you also gotta be independent and not whiny. It's the tone of your expression, you feel me? 

Don't think women do not like emotional because they definitely do, you think men are emotional in music?



Still think women don't like emotional guys? You just have to learn the balance of it. Men are emotional creatures. 

6 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

Girls are only attracted to insensitive, criminal, rude, tattooed, alpha, asshole, abusive, reckless, dominant, self confident, violent, tall, bad boys, serial murderers, dangerous, evil, muscular, emotionally detached, socially skilled, funny guys.

End of story.

and wow. This is dramatic and pretty much nonsense. some girls do like funny, self-confident, muscular, socially skilled, and dominant guys tho. Nothing wrong with that either. 




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The only way to become a true alpha is to accept your emotions and femininity.

You can't be a man if you fear your emotions and don't allow yourself to act and do what you want because "It's not manly enough".

You know who thinks like that ?

A pussy.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, Mikael89 said:

@now is forever I can't delete what makes me unattractive. I will have to forget about girls and hope for better luck in possibly the next life.

I'm naturally unattractive into the bone. My personality is pretty feminine.

so you didn’t delete but added  - so if it’s only the femininity i wouldn’t have recommended the being funny part.

that leaves you with working on „socially skilled“. and maybe you‘ll find out some other points for your list you weren’t aware of maybe some strengths you already have and weren’t aware of, maybe it’s exactly the being feminin part that could make you socially skilled.

if there wasn’t the pussy in the way. so try to stop thinking „pussy“ i bet even though you don’t say it, it shows in your behavior.

well it obviously does.

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7 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

Girls are only attracted to insensitive, criminal, rude, tattooed, alpha, asshole, abusive, reckless, dominant, self confident, violent, tall, bad boys, serial murderers, dangerous, evil, muscular, emotionally detached, socially skilled, funny guys.

End of story.

I like you lol. May I add: selfish and wealthy

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7 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

Girls are only attracted to insensitive, criminal, rude, tattooed, alpha, asshole, abusive, reckless, dominant, self confident, violent, tall, bad boys, serial murderers, dangerous, evil, muscular, emotionally detached, socially skilled, funny guys.

End of story.

Look at these sexy bitches. I'm gettin' all hot and bothered just lookin' at 'em...

Especially the Hitler-looking guy. He's like double evil, so he's like double hottie. He's a serial killer who looks like Hitler... how much sexier can one possibly get?!?!? xD

Honestly, you should know that what you said is bollocks. The only women who go for these kind of guys are deeply scarred women with no standards. And they go for them specifically because they have not standards, and feel like no one else will want them. And the women tend to be meth heads and like someone who rides a motorized scooter in Walmart at 3 am in a slum. They're usually just as dysfunctional as the guy.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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2 hours ago, SFRL said:

Women want the fun Alpha guy and they want a provider.

Alpha being the hot fun guy. Provider being the good dependable father to their children, who makes enough money for himself, her, and her children.

Preferably women want an Alpha Provider. A guy who is both Alpha and a Provider. 

But to get an Alpha Provider her own SMV (Sexual Market Value) needs to be high enough to lock a guy like that down.  

Think of the dating scene as a Sexual market place. And at that sexual Market Place people are shopping around for the best traits for the survival of their offspring. Both men and women have a Sexual Market Value. And they are only going to get a mate that is as valuable as they can negotiate with their own Sexual Market Value. 

Women though, are Hypergamous by nature. They only want to date accross and up. A guy at their own level, or better. 

If she can't lock down an Alpha Provider, a lot of women will fuck the Alpha (Fun and hot) guys in her party years. And when she gets older around 30 she will settle down with a guy who is not as hot and fun but a good Provider(good daddy, stable, makes good money). 

This concept is called Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks. Meaning fuck Alphas early in life for the great sex, settle down with a Beta later in life for his money. 


I can tell you women are not looking for a guy looking for her endearment by being soft, emotional, and supplicating to her. 

They want a strong capable man. 


yes and they don’t care for brain‘s or emotions or companionship, that’s so overrated. having a nice chat understanding each other listening sharing time together, laughing together, doing silly stuff together. just skip that all - it‘s incomparable to a good theory.

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Again. It's not that girls like cruel, insensitive, macho, masculine... kind of guys. It's that YOU like the kind of girls that like that kind of guys! There are many kinds of people. You yourself are only attracted to certain type and disregard the rest. I'm saying its your own projection. And that kind of girl is the cruel type. You like that. But you are also upset about that cause you are not cruel, macho, masculine, tattooed, ... kind of guy. You want to be. Cause you want that kind of girl. See? 

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6 minutes ago, now is forever said:

yes and they don’t care for brain‘s or emotions or companionship, that’s so overrated. having a nice chat understanding each other listening sharing time together, laughing together, doing silly stuff together. just skip that all - it‘s incomparable to a good theory.

Oh she is feeling emotion all right when she is fucking the Alpha in the backseat of his car with the music blasting. 

Plenty of laughing as well afterwards when they share a cigarette joking about her beta orbitters. 

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@SFRL huh i want to see your movie ? 

guess it‘s not an european one?

should i give you a list of good european movies? 

the french and italians basically invented the word love. time to change the evening program.

Edited by now is forever

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8 minutes ago, now is forever said:

@SFRL huh i want to see your movie ? 

guess it‘s not an european one?

I would show you but they usually say no when I want to record it. That's is still an achievement I need to unlock. 

How many good European movies are there anyways? 

Actually I am dual citizen. I grew up in Holland, I live in the USA. I think of myself more as a world citizen ?

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8 minutes ago, SFRL said:

How many good European movies are there anyways? 

if you don’t know you don’t know - guess you’ve never seen them.

but i guess the camera has to stay home, too.

Edited by now is forever

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3 minutes ago, now is forever said:

if you don’t know you don’t know - guess you’ve never seen them.

I can come up with two European movies I liked off the top of my head. 

I can come up with a lot more American movies I like. 

The same goes for music. I did go to The Scorpions concert the other day though. That was cool. 

What's your favourite European movie? 

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the last one i liked was a german american co production - babylon berlin - it’s a series. not really about relationship though.

in that sense, you are right they are getting lesser. and sex is not so mutch the topic anymore - we import that from the us mostly.

that was eye opening again. i use to forget that.

i can still recommend to watch some of the classics. guess it’s possible to search for movies with subtiles? old enough to do that?

Edited by now is forever

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1 hour ago, Stenne said:

You have my full attention ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, now is forever said:

the last one i liked was a german american co production - babylon berlin - it’s a series. not really about relationship though.

in that sense, you are right they are getting lesser. and sex is not so mutch the topic anymore - we import that from the us mostly.

that was eye opening again. i use to forget that.

i can still recommend to watch some of the classics. guess it’s possible to search for movies with subtiles? old enough to do that?

I thought this was a really high quality French movie. 


In Holland we watch anything from another language with Dutch subtitles. 

Unlike you Germans who do the lame German voice overs. 

I guess that's why Dutch people's English is 'so mutch' better, then German people's English. 

Edited by SFRL

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jesus christ. can somebody lock the thread? this is just getting too sad and pathetic.

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Ya'll should stop labeling and boxing men and women. It's literally a waste of time and your downfall. Yeah, there are some nice guides, but ultimately, it's dumb because everyone is different. 

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