
Questions from a young student

7 posts in this topic

Hello everybody. Yesterday I watched Leo's video called ''Advice For High School & College Students - The Keys To Mastering Life''. I have a few question about this video. Some things didn't really add up in my mind. 

Leo said that I should cut out many things to avoid all kinds of illness. I understand that, but cutting out bread? What am I supposed to eat at school and in the weekends if I don't eat bread? 

Leo said that I should get more into relationships so I will have a general view of what kinds of girls are out there. Problem is however: my religion doesn't allow me. The Quran is very clear about 'no relationships unless marriage' type of thing. Although some of you may disagree, in Leo's Wage-Slavery video he said that I should get used to being alone. How am I supposed to do that when I also should have a girlfriend? Personally I am not that interested in girls. Yes some are cute sure whatever. I am not getting laid anytime soon for sure. The idea of being controlled in bed by a girl who can do whatever she wants just because your dick is hard makes me kinda sick. I mean I couldn't do that to a girl. And how vulnerable I would be makes me scared. Btw, I notice it if I don't think the same way as the people around me. And so far I only found one guy, my best mate, who is about the same way I am. Am I supposed to date a girl even though we don't share much personalities? Maybe some muslims can help me out about the Quran thingy if there are any on this forum. 

Anyway have a great day everyone. 

Edited by Ampresus
Typo, incorrect word

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So if there is no bread there is no food? You are stuck in stage blue overcome that,when he said alone he meant find alone time to do things it doesnt mean you cut out from people...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Ampresus that was my queastion :) there are so many alternatives:greek yogurt,peanutbutter on rice cookies,protein shakes,you have leos videos on his vegetable soap,nuts,oat meal etc

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf Alright I will watch them if I get more free time. Do you also know anything about my second question?

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