
What To Do? And What Not To Do?

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 I met a girl and she showed a high level of interest. she stays quite near my place. my first message to her was yesterday night ,around 12.30 and I was talking with her about the beautiful view in my room  and I said that she should check that out. she said she wishes to, but, its late at night.I gave her my address and along with that, I said she can come here on weekday or weekend, she replied by giving her address ,but, she didn't mention anything about coming to my place. I just started texting her yesterday, should i text her on Friday ,informing her to  come here or what should i exactly do now? by the way, i planned to do water only fasting on Saturday, during which i read and meditate, should i call her on that day? what should be my next move!? 

what are the questions that i can ask to engage her? 


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If I'd have been that girl, I would ignore you, because you seem to be a bit boring with an idea of her coming to your place. If you want a sex, then ask her straight forward. If not, then ask her to go and grab a coffee or something like that, because maybe she wants a date, but doesn't want to come to your house. If you ask her again maybe it'd be a too pushy, better ask her for a real date and then during a date you can invite her to your place if you think she's interested.

And never made compromises about your leisure time. If it is a fasting day, than fast. Except, if she needs you urgently or something happens, but don't change your life's routine because of girls. 

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I'd tend to agree with @clytaemnestra.  Girls want emotional stimulation and to have FUN.  Going to your house to talk awkwardly while you try and figure out how make that turn into sex is not fun.  I mean there is a very rare chance that she happens to be extremely horny but that's VERY rarely the case and you should pretty much never expect that unless she straight up tells you she wants to bang on-the-spot.

Sex for women is the culmination of a build-up of emotional stimulation.  Take her out dancing or go see some live music.  Do something interesting.  Laugh, tease her, cross the line (just a little bit ;)), have some deep conversations and then bring it back to being light and fun again.  After an evening of that, when she's in a good mood and having FUN... THEN you can invite her back to your place to check out the amazing view.  When you do get her to your place, again, keep things fun.  Have her play some of her favorite songs for you on YouTube, have some female-friendly drinks available or light snacks.  Have a plan.  You don't just want to be sitting on the bed next to each with nothing to say.

"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

Presence.  Acceptance.  Purpose.

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22 minutes ago, Phocus said:

I mean there is a very rare chance that she happens to be extremely horny

I agree with everything previously said, I would just add if she wants just sex, she'd probably tell you it straight forward, or she'd chat with you about sex and invite you to do it and finish with you till the next time she calls you for it. Since you've said you're chatting with her very often, I assume that she likes you for more than sex and I advice you to make some fun. You have great video on 9GAG how to make you date an adventure, or something like that with a list of social activities that can be funny for her. 

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@clytaemnestra, @Phocus I was thinking about the ways in which i am going to  engage her , in the sense, I thought of playing music and dancing with her, meditating together, reading together, watching skies,etc. the place where we both stay is very hot, so, I thought of doing something indoors .

i will try to know more about her and maybe, go out with her to an interesting place.



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1 hour ago, zenny said:

the place where we both stay is very hot

I get it, maybe it'd be a good idea to go to eat an ice cream, beer or some cold drinks in some cafe or some place that has air conditioning. Or maybe swimming pool. Or you can call her at night, call her for a walk near river or park or some place that is not crowded, I doubt that it is sooo hot that nobody walks at night. Or early in the morning, you can find some place with a nice view and call her to watch together dusk. 

If all of this options are not available, then I'd rather go out with her and then after some time tell her that it is too hot outside and invite her at your place, than inviting her at the beginning. The thing is, she can misinterpret your invitation and think that you just want sex, if you live in a conservative society, or maybe she wants it, but she is playing hard to get and wants you to engage a bit more about her. 

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