
Alcohol, terrible or part of it all?

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Lovely people,

Alan Watts (as some of you might know) was a wise, philosophically minded person. Also, he supposedly drunk a lot.

Is alcohol a hindrence to awareness? Obviously it feels this way when you dink, but does it actually influence "progress"? Or is the idea of progress stupid to begin with? Not according to Leo.

You guys are amazing so just to be truthful, I do drink now when I'm at parties organized by my student association. 

Should I stop drinking completely? Or is this just something I have to contemplate myself? 

Thanks guys. Have a great day.

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5 minutes ago, Outer said:

All drugs are not going to aid you to self-realization.
Only asking who you are will.

Are you speaking from your own experience? 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Sven I don't know what you should do or what you shouldn't, but Alan Watts died because of his alcoholism.

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! - Rumi

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Alcoholism is terrible. Drinking at social events is fine. I do find drunkness to be kind of against mindfulness overall, but I have been drunk and felt mindful. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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Chogyam Trungpa was drunk of his ass most of the time, but that doesnt matter, the question is; is it a hindrance to you? 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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It is a phenomenal brief tool, for escaping faster blockages and drama, like cannabis. But alcohol by itself will destroy one if does not know what one is doing and only wants to escape reality. 

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you use alcohol because it makes you feel good.

you want to feel good because you dont already feel good.

spirituality makes you feel good, much more than alcohol, though it takes work.

so conclusion: you can get to a state where you dont need alcohol, though right now going the middle path is best choice in my opinion. so right now alcohol in moderation (you decide what moderation is for you)

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Seeking psychological security in getting a buzz, and seeking psychological security in “spirituality”, really being one and the same movement of the self seeking security in thought(pleasure). 

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Coming from an ex-alcoholic and not even with hate or revenge, but simply what I think about it : it's shit. It has no purpose other than being an easy way to put you in a certain state except it comes with a price (well, many if you consider physical health, depression, alteration of the person in certain case, and many other troubles). Just learn to reach these states by yourself. I'm currently in this and so far (who knows what the future holds), it just feels like getting rid of an old skin that was slowing you, and you notice how much time people waste by drinking (and thinking it's absolutely necessary to have fun). So there's this kind of bitersweet evolution in your head, but I'd say it's really worth it. I feel good and I don't see the point in poisoning myself.

Now, it took me many, many, maaany tries to get there. So don't get discouraged if you're trying and failing. Just try and try again. Don't beat yourself up for it. It's rooted so deep in your society that some people transform into fucking demons when you're even trying to debate the fact that there's a natural alternative to alcohol. Cognitive dissonance and shit.

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I used to drink a lot; it was a monkey on my back. I have a beer once or twice a week now, and am happy that booze isn't a big part of my life anymore. 

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