The Don

Is The Big-Bang Real?

29 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Nope, it is ALL. ALL has no opposite.

Yes but that means reality is clearly limited to logic! All has no opposite in your opinion because it makes no sense to you logically, or because you have not become aware of it. But that limits reality to either of those two things:

Nothing can exists completely outside of your awareness.

Reality is bound to logic.


Both of these things limit reality, why would such a limit exist?

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23 hours ago, Scholar said:

Both of these things limit reality, why would such a limit exist?

To enjoy suffering! How? Ask yourself. If it's a strange loop, what makes it go in a loop? You. You make it go in a loop. Whichever you you think you are you're the one doing it. There is no denying it. It just is as it is.

The Kebab speaks the Truth!

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On 9/22/2018 at 5:00 PM, LastThursday said:

By definition, nothing is what's left when you remove everything. So it is still something, but only relative to what's been removed. 

The nothingness of MU is a null void. Nothing. Once I had direct experience with the absolute nothingness of MU it blew away any concepts I had about nothingness. 

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On 9/23/2018 at 11:19 AM, Scholar said:

Yes but that means reality is clearly limited to logic! All has no opposite in your opinion because it makes no sense to you logically, or because you have not become aware of it. But that limits reality to either of those two things:

Nothing can exists completely outside of your awareness.

Reality is bound to logic.


Both of these things limit reality, why would such a limit exist?

All logic is within reality. Concepts of opposites and no opposites are with reality. We could construct highly sophisticated models of opposite / no opposite. The entire world could come together and spend 100 years constructing a highly advanced model of opposites. Entire societies could emerge from this model. And all of it would still be *within* reality. There is no way to figure it out since all figuring is within reality.

There is a place beyond logic. And it is a wondrous, beautiful place.

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6 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

The nothingness of MU is a null void. Nothing. Once I had direct experience with the absolute nothingness of MU it blew away any concepts I had about nothingness. 

Yes, I think the problem is that we conflate concepts with reality. So when we say "Nothing is what is left when you remove everything, it's still something!" we are actually talking about the concept of nothing. The concept of nothing is actually something, it is the concept of "The absence of everything!". It's nothing but a delusion of language, and has as much to do with nothingness as the concept of red has to do with redness.


1 minute ago, Serotoninluv said:

All logic is within reality. Concepts of opposites and no opposites are with reality. We could construct highly sophisticated models of opposite / no opposite. The entire world could come together and spend 100 years constructing a highly advanced model of opposites. Entire societies could emerge from this model. And all of it would still be *within* reality. There is no way to figure it out since all figuring is within reality.

There is a place beyond logic. And it is a wondrous, beautiful place.

I just want to poke into Leo's logic, because he values concepts so much when they do not seem to have much to do with what is beyond.

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On 25/09/2018 at 6:21 PM, Scholar said:

The concept of nothing is actually something, it is the concept of "The absence of everything!". It's nothing but a delusion of language, and has as much to do with nothingness as the concept of red has to do with redness.

Then what is 'nothingness' other than a delusion of language? :P

57% paranoid

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thats why so many experts say thats probably we live in a simulation. 

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From what I know, the Big Bang only describes the expansion of the universe from a singularity. It does not describe any sort of origin or creation of matter. It was already there. 

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