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Transitioning into a higher selve

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I didnt succed in actualizing my higher selve, i had oportunities to do so, but didnt take the nessesery action to disolve the old one and transition into the higher one. The main reason was fear...Now i feel stuck in the old selve and in a pretty uncouncious state, with the feeling that im not able anymore to make the nessesery steps on my own, so i thought to start microdosing moshrooms. I read they have a lot of positive qualities, and i think they would make the transition go easier. Im wondering if its a good idea or if i have to do the transition on my own, without the schrooms, to make the changes realy stick. Would apreciate some insights..

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No real improvement without going deep in fear, pain, detachment, loss, insanity, etc. 

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16 hours ago, Wekz said:

I didnt succed in actualizing my higher selve, i had oportunities to do so, but didnt take the nessesery action to disolve the old one and transition into the higher one

What, are you dead? If not how could you have failed?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Fear of commitment to a relationship, fucking failing to aproach a girl i like, by my own choice, with the clear attention to have sex with her and enter in a relationship. That is the root cause of everything, and after that it spiral into all kinds of limiting believes, self doubt, self esteem issues etc... Its a problem i have my whole life, that i cant manage to overcome..

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your problem is in your wrong believe system. theres nothing to be a higher self or lower.

First to do is to integrate positive believes that improves your life.

Second, take actions, expose you to situations to convince yourself that you old believes were wrong 

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@Wekz I think psychedelics can be useful at any stage - yet keep in mind the experience will likely have a different impact - depending on the stage of the user.

Imagine a green-centered person who has meditated for 20 years, has had awakenings and has had glimpses into Turquoise. Now imagine someone who is blue-centered. Psychedelics fast forward a person into Turquoise. A green-centered person and blue-centered person will interpret the experience very differently. For example, how might Adyashanti and Jordan Peterson interpret a psychedelic experience? Very differently. 

The psychedelic experience is nondual for both people, yet how it is interpreted and integrated into one's life is influenced on their current level of development.

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I get what you want to say, but i realize now that the only way to move forward for me is to make a radical change in my external life, so i can experience a paradigm shift and continue growing. I had some experience with psyhodelics and the effects were amazing, i took a light dose of mushrooms, about 1 gram, and i was able to be fully in the preasent, my awarness was 5 times as high as it is now, and i have the feeling i could solve any issue i have at that level of awarness. But dunno, is that cheating?

Edited by Wekz

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22 minutes ago, Wekz said:

I get what you want to say, but i realize now that the only way to move forward for me is to make a radical change in my external life, so i can experience a paradigm shift and continue growing. I had some experience with psyhodelics and the effects were amazing, i took a light dose of mushrooms, about 1 gram, and i was able to be fully in the preasent, my awarness was 5 times as high as it is now, and i have the feeling i could solve any issue i have at that level of awarness. But dunno, is that cheating?

IMO and IME, psychedelics are the strongest tool for consciousness work and they are useful at every stage of development. 

Trust your direct experience and intuition. IMO, direct experience is more powerful than intellectual theory.

If psychedelics are unlocking insights for you - I would trust that. That is a truth relative to you and I would put a lot of trust into your direct experience.

As a funny example: Years ago I was training for the Paris marathon. During that stage of my life, I was really busy as a graduate student and I only ran once a week. (20 miles one week, then 13 miles the next week - back and forth each week). I ran about 12 marathons with this training. I never stopped to walk during the race and I finished each one with a respectable time (under 4hrs). Well, to enter the Paris Marathon a person needs to undergo a physical with a physician to verify they are fit enough to run a marathon. This was an odd thing for my physician. He just checked my vitals and wrote a short letter saying I was fit. So, the interesting part. After he printed the letter, he casually asked me about my training - how often I run and how many weekly miles. I told him I run once a week and I average about 16 miles per week. . . Now, the doctor gets concerned. His whole demeanor changes and he gets serious. He goes into Dr. mode and tells me with authority that "You cannot finish a marathon only running once a week, averaging 16 miles per week. Physiologically, that is insufficient to prepare a body to finish a marathon." He is looks at the letter and I can tell he is reconsidering whether to sign it. He tells me I should bump up my running to three times a week a double my weekly mileage as the minimum to ensure my body is prepared to run a marathon. I agreed and he signed the letter. Things got casual again. He was so confident about how I should train that I assumed he was a marathon runner himself. I casually asked him how many marathons he had run. His response: zero.

This Doctor had so much authority and confidence in what he said. He was an expert in physiology. I actually believed I could not finish a marathon on my training method. On my way home, I was trying to figure out how I could fit in more running into my busy schedule. This was a demanding time for me in Grad. school. I was in the lab, taking classes and working as a teaching assistant. I was working about 12 hrs a day. I couldn't see how I could fit in three days of running and doubling my weekly mileage - which I now believed was necessary to finish the marathon. I was torn. I really wanted to run the marathon, but I also knew I couldn't increase my training. I was about to cancel my Paris marathon when I had the an obvious revelation: "What The Fuck, Dude!!! You've run twelve marathons running once a week. TWELVE!!!. Why am I putting more trust into some Dr.'s theory who has never even run ONE over MY OWN direct experience??!!" It was so obvious that I was embarrassed. . . So, I only ran once a week and arrived to Paris with confidence in my direct experience. I ran a PR of 3:18 - crushing my previous PR by over 20 minutes.

Moral of the story: trust your direct experience!!! It is the most powerful teacher you have!

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I'll try with midrodosing and focusing more on my direct experience, and not always being in the head. Thanks for the advice mate

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