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Some insights about last night`s self-inquiry - what does it mean?

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First of all, English is not my primary language, so sorry if I'm not able to express everything clearly.


During last night's sitting, some mind blowing insights came to my mind and I started shaking like hell while feeling this extremely pleasant sensation. Is this normal? Does it mean movement in the right direction? In the wrong direction? Or no movement?


Insight No1: How can all this stuff come from nothing?

Imagine you start with 0. Thats nothing. Now, you have +1 - 1. That still amounts to nothing, but you see some "individuals" making up that nothing, but it is still blatantly obvious that it is nothing. Then, it becomes -3 -2 -1 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 0. Still nothing, but it is getting more complex. I felt like today the equation got so complicated that it is deceiving us by being incredibly tricky to trace back to 0, so we start to believe in separateness from it. It is as if universal intelligence has found a very clever way to create something out of nothing


Insight No2: The Society Struggle

Imagine you are trapped inside a well. You are 100km from the bottom of the well, and you are 1km from the top surface of the well. However, there is a little problem: every time you come close to the top of the well, the well increases its size upwards by 1km. Therefore, it is infinite and you will never reach the top end. Now I ask you: in which direction would you move? Society, unconscious people keep moving upwards, believing they will reach the top. And even when they realize they can't, just keep going, because it gives this false sense that you are going somewhere. But they do not realize that if they want to get somewhere, the only way is to move downwards towards the bottom. There, you arrived. Now imagine that bottom is the nothingness, the origin of all

Circles are amazing. Imagine the center of a circle is the origin of it all. The source point. The nothing. As things get more complex, we walk away from that point, and we find a circle with a radius. Now, the bottom of the well is the center of the circle. And moving outwards the center of the circle, as society does, is the journey to nowhere. It looks like it is increasing complexity, but that's it. It is still a journey to nowhere. And the problem is that this "complexity", as it increases, it becomes further away from the center, that is, the world will become less connected to its core.


Insight No3: Science has got it backwards

Imagine this same circle. Imagine that in a point this circle radius describes the understanding of the universe from like 3000 years ago, and lets assume that's point 0 for the beginning of math/physics. The goal of developing math, then, was to describe the universe. However, the universe needs no description. It just is. By being a human being and creating math, you are just creating further complexity compared to the complexity you have on that moment, thus expanding the circle outwards. Sure, math can explain some things from the inner circles. Actually, I would say it does not "explain", but just "describe". What good does describing something do? It just increases its complexity. It the object we call the sun has complexity +30020, calling it a sun just increases its complexity to +30023. Therefore, to really get to the meaning of stuff, it is not about the journey outwards, creating more complex models to explain the inwards. Actually, just go inwards.


Ok, that was it. hahahaha. I'm more interested not in the insight content evaluation, but more on the nature of having these kinds of insight. Does that mean Im increasing consciousness? Staying in the same place? Decreasing consciousness? Does this stuff clutter my mind or help me feel connected to the nothingness?

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Well, at least this shows you are starting to question existence. Which is the most important point. Of course none of the above is actual conscious, it's more just your mind starting to realize that conventional knowledge is a farce.

Reality did not come out of nothing. It is nothing. Something and nothing are identical. The mistake is seperating the two, holding them as opposites.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It surely feels like that metaphor of peeling an onion. I realize it is probably just the first few layers with so many to go, but surely it feels like something. Like movement. Like all of this self-inquiry and self-actualization makes sense.

I guess the biggest barrier to self-actualization for the "average" person is that it is not easy to explain. You can give traits of SA person, goals, pursuits, etc, but their level of consciousness is not able to grasp on exactly what that means. But having these experiences show you that there is surely something in there. It gives motivation to the pursuit.

There could be a good discussion about what is the best way to explain the real value of SA to a person that can't connect with it the arguments we usually use

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@fewrocker If we're talking about communicating the power and value of spiritual work, then the best vehicle is psychedelics. One trip will be worth 100 hours of my videos. Of course, it's precisely because this vehicle is so effective that most people do not want to use it. Because it was never their desire to wake up. The biggest bottleneck in this work is desire. People just don't desire to understand reality deeply. And so they never do.

You tend to get from life exactly what you desire. Weak desire, wrong desire results in a weak life, wrong life.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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