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Stages of Development

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This is by far the most accurate model/map of personal development towards your journey of reaching full enlightenment.

If you still go to school/work then you still have not reached stage 8, so it is very crucial that you reach that level of development so that you can physically alter your reality and go towards the next stage.











Edited by Frog

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@Joseph Maynor I'm at tier 8, i don't require fuel to exist. This doesn't make sense under your materialist paradigm but you will learn as you go deeper into this enlightenment process.

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This forum is getting more and more non-sensical by the day. Maybe I should leave, its becoming distracting. 9_9 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Tistepiste Not every living organism needs to fuel itself, unless you're a foodslave and haven't done any serious inner work/research towards enlightenment.

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@Frog I did some research on Breatharians but every experiment until now failed and the person turned out to be a faker so I kinda stopped believing in it.

If you can really survive without food or water, that's crazy.


Also which living organism doesn't need fuel?

Edited by Tistepiste

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@Tistepiste Oh, there's plenty of them. Having to eat 3 squared meals a day is designed to keep you enslaved.

Into the deep waters there's plenty of beings who can go on for months without food. On the land, you can feed yourself through the sun and oxygen alone, but that either requires you to be gifted or to be extremely dedicated to mastering yourself to get to stage 8.

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@Frog Interesting. How does it feel to be in stage 8?

And what do you mean physically alter your reality?

Edited by Tistepiste

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Please explain:

1800s technologies (or 1800s internet on other versions of this list)

90% of books written by the same author

Oxygen is hallucinogenic (then how do breatharians survive?)

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  On 9/19/2018 at 3:52 PM, Tistepiste said:

@Frog Interesting. How does it feel to be in stage 8?

And what do you mean physically alter your reality?

It brings in a lot of paranoia if not fully integrated and realized. Most people at this stage act like your everyday joe and might even go to the supermarket to purchase food using their credit cards to appear normal.

I'll develop more on altering '' physical '' reality later on.


  On 9/19/2018 at 6:19 PM, EternalForest said:

Please explain:

1800s technologies (or 1800s internet on other versions of this list)

90% of books written by the same author

Oxygen is hallucinogenic (then how do breatharians survive?)

90% is a rough estimate, but you get the point. Most books are sourced by the same set of collective minds ( 12 of them ) .

Oxygen is indeed hallucinogenic , reality is a high-degree hallucination and people at stage 8 merge with '' physical '' reality therefor becoming one with reality, there is no more separation. This is where Leo is leading his followers to which is why i decided to contribute to his LP.

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@Frog And these 12 collective minds are? And once again, 1800s internet??

Sorry I know there's Google but these were points that Google didn't turn up. I appreciate you answering questions, 90% of this stuff is new to me. How much of it is true or false however is up in the air rn, honestly skeptical.

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@Frog thats literally the only YouTube video I could find with some decent amount of views. However he should livestream himself for some time for people to believe, or you could ;))

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@Tistepiste You stage orange materialists always need proof. Science can't even prove that you exist without resonable doubt.

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