Getting The Most Out Of Self-inquiry

By Guest in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Meditation begins. The first step a person usually takes when looking inside to find themselves is just that: Looking inside themselves. You set up your own borders before you even begin inquiry. In one quick unconscious action you build your prison. Then you try to escape by moving into the center of the cell. You unconsciously define" inside yourself" and then you focus your intuition there, where it remains. The illusion of self persists. It's obvious you can never escape when this is the game you play.     The logic of self inquiry is as follows: If I can perceive it, it must be outside of the existential me.   Confirm each of the following: I can perceive my thoughts therefore my thoughts are outside of the existential me. I can perceive my emotions therefore my emotions are outside of existential me. I can perceive my body sensations therefore my body sensations are outside of the existential me. I can perceive light and sound therefore light and sound are outside of the existential me.   Now sit for meditation. Spend some time observing everything outside.   Then you may begin the inquiry: If everything is outside, where can I existentially be?
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