
Optimal diet

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The optimal diet is the paradise diet being fruitarian.


but just because that’s the optimal diet, it doesn’t mean it’s the healthyiest 


I think a little bit of what you fancy does you good


a joyful heart is the best medicine so says the Bible 

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@Omadorinlooper Good that you are interested! Try out different diets for yourself, then you will see which one suits you the best is a good site to do the nutrient maths. You can find some good content on youtube too!

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3 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

@Omadorinlooper Good that you are interested! Try out different diets for yourself, then you will see which one suits you the best is a good site to do the nutrient maths. You can find some good content on youtube too!

I’ve been interested for decades. 


I know that frutarian is the optimal diet,  it life is not all about diet.


I think Loren Lockman is correct about many things, but not everything



Edited by Omadorinlooper

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Fruitarianism is not the optimal diet from any angle you look at it from.

Fruit does provide lots of minerals and vitamins that the organs use to facilitate chemical reactions, which is essential for their optimal health. And most of the world is lacking in these nutrients.

Yet our entire human body is made up of protein as the building blocks of all our tissue, and body; and fat, which is used between the tissue, and as a means for transportation and communication. When we look at an apple for example, it has 19.3 grams of carbohydrates, 0.5 grams of protein and 0.3 grams of fat. This is unsustainable in the long term. Your body will start to extract the protein and fat it needs from your bones, and thus your bones will become brittle. You will see this also in your teeth, mine started to go yellow after 5 months as a fruitarian and it is due to this same phenomena.

I can share lots of resources with you from scientist, to famous doctors who were fruitarian or raw vegan or even just vegan and are now recommending animal products, to nutritionists who have studied extensively all the different diets for their lives, to studies conducted around the world showing that there is no record of a pure vegetarian culture (let alone a fruitarian one), to hundreds of books and I can even show you wisdom from the ascended masters in this regard that everyone should strive for balance in their lives, and find through direct experience what digests the best for them and talk more about my 5 months direct experience, and how I started to become frail while still believing that the high vibration of fruit and urine would sustain my physical body, and furthermore too about how our blood type is very important in finding what works best for our bodies because some foods cause a harmful reaction with our specific blood antigen. But this evidence from the cronometer is the best you can get, it's the clearest. We can't live by carbs alone, especially due to the low vibration of consciousness present in the collective, and in us (even "spiritual people" still have a relatively low vibration when they follow teachings and ideologies not grounded in Unconditional Love as most of them do, teachings such as fruitarianism). If we too look at the most enlightened man in history, Jesus Christ, we see that he ate Fish and Lamb every now and then; and the Buddha was also known to have eaten the meat he was given. How on Earth can we do the same when these two men did not? Yes there are breatharians out there in the world right now, but they will tell you that it is not the breatharianism that is important or even relevant in the spiritual journey in regards to subconscious healing, or raising your vibration, it is the Unconditional Love. Food works primarily with your physical body, it cannot effect your spiritual body. Even with the best diet fruitarian, with urine, with sun gazing; with long hair; all these things promising enlightenment, I felt the most suffering and separation in my life. The exact opposite of what was promised. And this propelled me, lite a fire in me, to awaken like none other, and find genuine teachers. I don't want you guys to repeat the same mistakes as me, always choose balance in your lives.

Stop thinking that something physical like fasting, a diet, urine will lead to the spiritual, to where you feel loved by the universe. We must directly work with who we truly are, and let go of the idea that we are a physical human body, that we are our emotions or thought-stories, we are Love.


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Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 8.09.51 AM.png

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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18 hours ago, Omadorinlooper said:

The optimal diet is the paradise diet being fruitarian.

For the purposes of healing the body, I believe frutarian is the way to go. For people with chronic inflammatory conditions, degenerative and autoimmune diseases, this may be the answer they have been looking for. I've massively improved my allergies on a fruit cleanse (+ some herbal tinctures) 

Have to agree with @Solace though that in the long term, it may not be the best diet as you could be missing out on some nutrients but i am open to being wrong about this. 

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This chick has an interesting channel and makes some challenging points with this video about eating vegan:


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I'm now thinking mostly fruit is the way to go. I'm trying to make sure 51% or more fruit.


the other 49% all raw, veg, nuts and sprouted seeds and beans.


when you sprout the goodness goes up thousands of percent.


i do also eat seafood but always raw. Sushi style.


i will always try to avoid cooked food, or any heated product over 40 degrees.


even so called raw honey somethings it was heated to over 40 and hey still call it raw , I make sure it wasn't heated o over 40.



i most eat bags of frozen fruit, just take it out of deep freeze a couple of hours before eating it.


some say frozen frui is not as good, Bufruit does freeze in the wild. It locks in the goodness

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Looking forward to going all fruit this spring here in Australia :) Personally i feel sharp and alive as ever on mostly fruit. I also notice significant increase in happiness and well being and general high vibrancy on fruit. Yes, what Solace says is correct to some extent but you have to remember the cleaner the fuel the better for the engine/body the better connection mind/body/spirit.  Fruit is the cleanest fuel for the human body. Period.

Some can live this way long term, some cannot it all depends on lifestyle and mindset/belief systems. If you know truth you can do anything and get by but by knowing truth you know its common sense to feel better so you create better and live better.

You do what you know and feels best is for you, no one else can tell you otherwise.

Here is an example of someone who thrives on fruit, he looks amazing and his energy is very pure.

Anette Larkins is also another great example although she is mostly raw food in general, not just fruit.

What i notice with people who are educated enough and live this lifestyle as a lifestyle not just a diet is that all of them show excellent, youthful mental/emotional health. The physical appearance and health does not surprise me as much as how they all are alive and vibrant like children.

I think if you consume enough you will get all the vitamins/minerals you need and if you cannot consume that much its not really rocket science, supplement with nutrient-rich superfoods like hemp seeds, spirulina, soy-milk ect... I know fruit isn't as nutrition as it used to be but you can most definitely make it work out for you. If you feel amazing, nothing else matters.


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When it comes to deficiency it very rarely comes from not consuming enough of them.


useually it's the body doesn't absorb them.


eating clean will help the body to absorb everything more efficiently 

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I am not a fruitarian myself, but I want to at least try it for some time, when I have the energy and money. 

Otherwise, when I eat mostly fruit in a day it feels like heaven, I agree with that, its just that its very expensive if you dont live in the south and you also dont get the best quality fruits in central Europe.

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1 minute ago, bejapuskas said:

I am not a fruitarian myself, but I want to at least try it for some time, when I have the energy and money. 

Otherwise, when I eat mostly fruit in a day it feels like heaven, I agree with that, its just that its very expensive if you dont live in the south and you also dont get the best quality fruits in central Europe.

When I have tried frui only I never get satisfaction 


i always crave cooked foods, I suppose I'm adicted 


what is the answer?

Mostly fruit and make good choices with what ever else you eat.


i try to avoid cooked and processed food at all costs.


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@Omadorinlooper Increase body cosnciousness. I have been practising Leos method to overcome most of my food addictions, I no longer enjoy eating meat, ice cream, chocolate and other stuff... I just feel super sick and weak after that. I basically overate from these things at some point to really feel the backfiring thats associated with them.

I also love fasting. You can try 1 day, only drink water. Dont eat at all, not even in small portions, because thats actually the thing that will make you more hungry. For the first time I felt so cleansed at the end of the day, it was much easier not to eat than to eat! Its a pity I can just survive without food... 

The next morning I was a bit hungry so I made myself a smoothie from bananas and apples and strawberries from my garden, added some blueberries there too. It really tasted greater than ever. I have never experienced anything tasting like that, you have to try it. 

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20 hours ago, AMS said:

This chick has an interesting channel and makes some challenging points with this video about eating vegan:


I'm having trouble trusting someone that agressive and ressentful but random thoughts about her various points :

- I don't eat vegan junk food (junk food should be avoided in general anyway). 95% of the time. Nor do I use products that required palm oil, when I can find a substitute (ie...almost always)

- I was not familiar with lectin. Will lookup more informations. But at a glance it seems like cooking and other methods reduce the risks But lectin also seems to be present in pasta, bread and others...not specifically vegan star foods.

- It is indeed not responsible to feed kids a full vegan diet from what I know (might be wrong). I'd just let a kid I have chose when he's in age of doing so. It's like peopl feeiding their pets vegan diets. Extremists.

- Well yeah, of course don't eat kale everyday, vary your alimentation.

So yeah it was refreshing hearing someone try to go against what I gathered so far, and I'm still opened to new infos and totally changing my diet in function. What she has here just doesn't convince me.

Edited by Fuku

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Yep for sure she sounds very aggressive which probably could be offputting for some but I think it's especially about making an impact and grabbing attention (she is an ex vegan that got sick so deals with a lot of hate, not justifying it to be effective but sure that's the reason for such a tone).  As you said, it is refreshing to hear some alternative information on Veganism because it seems to be a given these days that it's a healthy diet which from the info I've seen is false.

Plants have antinutrients because they want to survive in nature as well and some people assume you can cook these things completely out but it seems not entirely true (also going to measures to try depletes nutrients), I see many people getting sick from eating too many plants and then feel better by dropping them and eating carnivore (or even keto, or paleo, because grains...which are so high on the food pyramid...are just about the worst), some (if not all) people are sensitive to their toxins.  Certain defense mechanisms which not only inhibit vitamin absorption (so it seems like you are eating more nutrition than you are) but also permeate the intestinal lining.


From my understanding the majority of humans need eat animals to thrive in health.  Something like cholesterol and saturated animal fat is super important in our diet.  It has been falsely (and corruptly) demonized against in the past and you can't get optimal amounts by eating plants only.  I hope you realise that the whole meat=cancer, heart risk thing has been debunked?  Check out the largest epidemiological study ever done (recent 2018) which says eating red meat and cheese cuts early death factor by a 1/4! Of course, epidemiological studies are pretty shit (with many variables) and got meat falsely demonized in the first place (it's actually the grains, industrial vegetable oils, sugar, trans fats and sweeteners making us very sick) but it's good to start burning through the old mislead lies.

Maybe in the short term it seems going vegan is the best soultion coz you feel amazing or whatever (not everyone) but I have seen that that is because your body is cannabalizing your own stored nutrients from bones and organs (and you feel good in comparison to previous diet) in a sense it is starvation (just like fasting etc).  Also apparently your body releases ketones during this process which gives a euphoric feeling.  In the long run though I have heard of many vegans quitting from feeling shit and then others who stay with it who look rather sick and then there are some who will seem to thrive which people are quick to generalize over.

I have seen that ALL animals in nature are actually ketogenic.  Even a herbivore which seems to eat so many plants (carbs) on the surface actually has a huge amount of bacteria in it's stomach and colon which humans don't have that ferments the cellulose into short fatty chain acids and uses the FAT as primary source of fuel.  Humans have been eating meat for millions of years it seems (especially during ice ages, the last one only ended 12,000 years ago) and this has allowed our digestive systems to shrink and our brain to grow larger because of energy dense meat.  Compare a human to a gorilla, it has a way larger cecum (appendix, or hub for bacteria to break down plants) and a way larger colon where bacteria live that does the digesting for it (and not to mention a small brain).  It then burns FAT, NOT GLUCOSE.  Humans are the only mammal that burns glucose and it is toxic in high amounts.  It's is nonessental in the human diet because we can make the small amount needed in our organs.  Some people call 'ketogenic' starvation but it's actually the other way around.  The body burns fuel in this order ALCOHOL>GLUCOSE>FAT
so going by that logic then actually alcohol is the preferred human fuel lol?  No, maybe it is rather talking about getting the MOST toxic compound out of the body as quick as possible...

Here you can see in a ruminant that it is still eating HIGH FAT and no carb!  Why aren't (most) humans eating like this?  It's bacteria converts all the plants to fat, human digestive systems don't do this!

Also a baby drinking human breast milk (or RAW animal milk) is actually in ketosis itself because the milk is high in saturated fat and the body utilizes it that way.  Then we force an unnatural diet of nonessential carbs on it.

Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 2.50.00 PM.png

A fascinating presentation crucial to watch:

Also, this guy reckon Veganism is a conspiracy in that they are eventually going to make meat so expensive that only the rich ones can afford it and by the time people realize veganism is not good in the long run (no culture in history has done it) it will be too late to turn back.  Whether you think he's crazy or not, you can see many accounts (even on his youtube channel but also on a ZC group I am on and elsewhere) of vegans getting very sick and now speaking out about it and some of them tried everything they could to make it work.  So regardless of what conclusion you want to draw, it won't be healthy for everyone we can say that!  I know it would make me sick due to my crook gut where I can't tolerate anything but fresh beef!


Edited by AMS

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There is so many perspectives, and they are all right in certain situations under certain circumstances, dependant upon your body (how well you digest your food tells you this), blood type, ancestral lineage, major and minor allergies, the amount of light you bring through your Heart (your vibration, and this can be transmuted into real nutrients; it is exactly the same as how consciousness created the material world), the environment you live in, your belief system (for example, I don't like tomatoes due to a past experience you had), your past lifetimes also carry over allergies and karma (which influences your beliefs), if the food was cooked or served with love, your health goals, how much you exercise (and what type of exercise), if you are taking anti bionics or other drugs, your current level of fitness, BMI, the level of toxicity in your body (plastics, heavy metals, candida), and if you have any diseases such as diabetes. Feel free to add to this list.

This is all gathered from many teachers (around 20 I have studied credentials and applied information from etc.), research these things to you hearts content dear hearts :) 

Maybe we can all agree on one thing. that this is too much for the linear human brain to take into consideration, as many of these factors change week by week, day by day; we are too unique. I always start first with whats in season (from the kind local farmers). Next important for me I how well you digest your food, then blood type. I tried some of the foods that were not recommended on blood type B, and It made me a bit tired. This may work for you too. And of course if you don't have moderate health conditions such as @AMS (I hope he is okay me sharing, but he said veggies were hard for him to digest in a previous post; this isn't common. I just want to say thank you AMS for sharing this with us all, it's helps us form a  well rounded perspective, blessings), go for something balanced, not extreme. For most humans on the planet these diets are harmful. Many of the videos posted here too out of good will are from teachers who I don't feel love from like SVrige, and Dr Gupta; and I feel it's important to jot this intuitive thingy mijigy that somehow become apart of my life not long ago, here; for I would never trust my health with someone who without vast experience (older most of the time, I do work with a nutritionist who is 36 however, whose Mum worked in the field for most of her life), and who I feel love from. Do you know what I mean? 

The main goal is to be directed from your inner knowing from your "soul" or the intelligence that flows in through your heart, but until then pick that which is balanced, digests well. You could have McDonalds and still realise yourself as pure awareness, focusing on pure awareness is of the utmost importance if you want to realise this completely, or that seed of love in your heart growing everyday. This last paragraph is inspired by authentic masters, and my "taste" of the stillness. Balance, and it's okay to binge towards better health :) Why do I say that? It is an extension of the above. Our level of consciousness determines greatly what actions you are willing to take. This is the reason for me saying how realising that we are pure awareness is more important than diet, and I would add, any action you take. For when you raise your vibration your diet will change naturally, if you pose no resistance. We have been swimming upstream against the river of life not because we chose to eat chocolate but because we judged chocolate as bad. The more we try to control our lives with our thoughts of right and wrong, the more we get lost into the illusion of a right and wrong. Consider that then perhaps your need to improve yourself and become more spiritual is the very thing preventing love from being your natural state in your awareness. The very need to use something external to find more happiness , health, or to a be man of good morals while using your brains intelligence is the stumbling block. It's a catch 22 because the "more" you "thought" you needed (a better diet) just confirms that you aren't perfect whole and complete right here and right now, as you have always wanted to experience but never were given by any external change.


Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Science has identified the healthiest diet for humans, and it is a whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet.  There is too much scientific evidence to list here.

Here is a video introducing the Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet:
The presentation is 55 mins, followed by a Q&A of 20 mins (Q&A is also informative).

More information about WFPB at

Or just google "Whole-Food Plant-Based".

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3 hours ago, Wolfram Volpi said:

Science has identified the healthiest diet for humans, and it is a whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet.  There is too much scientific evidence to list here.

Here is a video introducing the Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet:
The presentation is 55 mins, followed by a Q&A of 20 mins (Q&A is also informative).

More information about WFPB at

Or just google "Whole-Food Plant-Based".

I don't think it is as simple as that.  There is research out there showing that our digestive systems are more equipped to digest meat than plants.  You can see this chart here comparing our human gut relative to some other primates.  Here you can see that our colon is much shorter and our caecum (appendix) much smaller.  These are important biological parts for breaking down plant matter.  True herbivorous primates are hindgut fermenters meaning they have complex bacteria in their colon (and caecum) which ferment the plants and turn the matter into fatty acids for the animal to burn as fuel.  Humans don't do this process to the degree those other herbivores do, digesting fiber and cellulose comes at a price (may be subtle for some), not to mention the antinutrients (defense chemicals) inhibiting adequate vitamin absorption and causing inflammation.  Often if a plant look nutritious on paper, it's bio-availability is another story.

A book about fiber being problematic:

human gut.jpg

On the second attachment you can see the human digestive system is much closer to that of a carnivores than a herbivores, therefore I have trouble believing humans do best on a plant based diet even though a lot of science out there seems to point in that direction.  A lot of that science is biased, corrupt and shaky conclusions are drawn.  Vegans are mostly compared to SAD eaters whom also just happen to eat meat (still not nearly enough due to it being falsely demonized), still even most of a SAD diet comes from difficult to digest plants (esp grains).  Then a healthy user bias can be considered as well as not concrete enough research (epidemiology).

Gut comparison.jpg

Over the coming years more hard science will be done on Paleo, Keto, Carnivore and then there will be a more fair comparison of the health benefits of eating fully plant based.  From my understanding, animal products are crucial in the human diet if one wants optimal health (also worth mentioning is that a human's natural state, like every other mammal on earth, is ketogenic...)  Some will be able to seemingly tolerate a vegan diet but I feel this largely comes down to genetics and the long term aftermath is not yet fully known.  Even for them I would guess they would do better with meat than without.  Certain vitamins are only attainable from animal products and others are less in plants due to bioavailabilty/required conversions and imo supplements aren't totally effective.  Lots of vegans and vegetarians still have deficiencies.

Just so you can see it is not as easy as "the majority of science points there so therefore it is true!" (to paraphrase)  you can check out this community of scientists in Hungary who have been using a Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (strict carnivore) on thousands of cases and having great results reversing all sorts of serious diseases.  The doctors also eat the diet themselves so I've heard.  Even not on full blown carnivore, you can still find new science on the side supporting meat, times change!  I feel a bigger picture understanding is the most important thing however and how I see it is that humans would have evolved eating lots of fatty meat during ice ages and our guts haven't adapted to eating such large quantities of plants since, 12,000 years of agriculture is not much time on the evolutionary scale.  Our brains got much larger from energy dense meat in abundance and our digestive tracts (probably originally better for plants) were able to simplify.  Some seem to do okay, even seem to thrive as a vegan.  I feel this is mostly in the short term though with some exceptions, I have heard the body uses up it's reserves.  I don't see it as optimal nutrition.


Edited by AMS

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54 minutes ago, AMS said:

There is research out there showing that our digestive systems are more equipped to digest meat than plants.


Before we were hunters, we where fructivores.
We evolved to eat meat for when the opportunity arises.
But chronically eating meat causes health problems when we are older.
Because good health after age 40 takes much-much longer to evolve.

To find the healthiest diet to carry humans into old age, look at the blue zones.
Beans and whole grains are the dietary cornerstones of the longest living populations on Earth.
Plant-based diets in general, and legumes in particular, are a common thread among longevity Blue Zones around the world.


Edited by Wolfram Volpi
add fructivores

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1 hour ago, Wolfram Volpi said:

To find the healthiest diet to carry humans into old age, look at the blue zones.

That made me think of a post by a carnivore advocate I follow.  Here's a screen shot of it.  Once again, I find it difficult to believe that meat causes health problems as we are older if our CURRENT digestive systems are so capable of digesting it.
Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at 1.19.40 PM.png

One of the arguments on the site you mentioned against Paleo:
"The Paleolithic period represents just the last two million years of human evolution. What did our bodies evolve to eat during the first 90% of our time on Earth?"

Imo two million years is a damn long time for a lot to change (check out the digestive system graphs I posted above).  I'm not denying that way back in the past we could have eaten more plants just arguing that our current digestive system doesn't support it well anymore because we adapted to meat.  I think Paleo is a healthier alternative than most diets but still not as effective as Keto anyway, because we are the only mammal in nature that burns glucose as primary fuel because we are eating lots of carbohydrates (ideally shouldn't be) and this is how the current human gut processes them (doesn't make sense to me that that could ever be the healthiest diet for us?)...this should be a secondary function when meat isn't around.

You can find many vegan youtubers standing strongly behind all these cherry picked studies and going back and forth constantly "debunking" the new flux of information sticking up for meat but I don't buy it.  I have seen way too much (long-term) anecdotal evidence showing keto and carnivorous eating reversing a huge amount of serious diseases not to mention many vegans (and vegan youtubers) ditching veganism after claiming to have tried various approaches to it, and some for years.  It seems like a non concrete experiment to me and far from a sure thing, even with all these studies.


Edited by AMS

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