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What A Mindfuck!

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Thoughts are not made of anything, they can take any shape they want, think about a car and thought is a car, think about a donkey and thought is a donkey, so what is the essence of thought itself?:ph34r:

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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To me a thought is sensory activity in the brain. You hear your inner dialogue. You see past memories. Even something like a scent can take you right back to your Grandparent's living room when you were 8. Thoughts commonly get pulled up when triggered by something else. But a thought is not "reality", it is a construction of the mind and it's internal perceptions. However, thoughts can be powerful, like in the case of imagination, thoughts that inspire you to do or create something positive in physical reality. For me where it becomes truly bizarre is when you consider that the thought of a car is really not that much different to the brain than seeing an actual car. 

The mind believes almost any thought it came up with; we're skeptical of others but not ourselves.

Visualize yourself leaning off the end of a skyscraper, about to fall down. Really try to put yourself there in your mind, visualizing the street below, the wind to your face, the sound of birds above you, the feeling of being off balance...after long enough you'll start to feel physically dizzy. Try it!

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