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Self-Authoring & The Healthy Part of Jordan Peterson

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I'm currently taking the self-authoring program right now which only costs $29.99.

Right now I feel like I'm at a point of a real potential crisis right now at 23 years old. I'm stuck at a part-time job not able to get more hours with no work skills to get a better job outside of minimum wage, have car insurance that's so expensive I can't afford from accidents (about $500 p/month) (and my car is t-boned right now and I can't afford to pay for repairs... even though I didn't cause the accident but my insurance dropped my claim), I haven't gotten laid for exactly a year now even though I'm a good looking dude I'm just too ashamed about how little I have to offer and can't stand lying a bit where I'm at in life, my only way to a better chance in income is to work under my Dad who has literally said I need to sacrifice "all this self-help nonsense and Indian woo-woo spiritual stuff" and at the same time doesn't even want me there nor at the home he provides for me meanwhile he and I have to share a bed since he is recently divorced to my mom, my little brother is thriving in high school and socially and is seen as the one who has his act together, I'm pressured to go out and drink and smoke weed and "be normal", I have no friends at this point, and I wake up everyday knowing it won't be different than the last and struggle to sleep at night knowing tomorrow will be the same, crying myself to sleep knowing I will likely never know who/what I am, what life is, what all this is, and never escape the life of being the very sheep I never ever thought I'd ever be.

I got this affordable Self-Authoring program by Jordan Peterson because it's something I think Stage Blue has something to bring to the table which is orderliness and a sense of getting one's life in check, clearing up stuff that happened in the past, and setting out a better future and picking myself up by my bootstraps in a healthy, non-neurotic way. Though I totally agree with people like @Leo Gura at the blunders of Jordan Peterson and people similar like Sam Harris (I would know... I was one of the fanatics and I live with 2 people that are even greater fanatics of them than I am), I do see a part of Peterson that encourages visionary thinking and get people to want see their life as a limited time to be a hero in their own life, particularly for men (I think he has a rather odd and peculiar stance whenever I hear him talk about "the purpose of a woman's life" and all that stuff. Don't know, don't want to comment). I think he provides a practical and orderly way of helping someone really get their life in check in such away that doesn't overwhelm the individual who may be in a really deep mental and emotional hole like myself. I personally find this valuable because I right now am noticing my desire to get out of Stage Orange and am really being pulled towards Stage Green. However, I know a lot of people who are in Stage Green (shoutout to living in San Francisco) but came into it from a place of deficiency and lack in the things they didn't get when they were in Stage Orange and the value system that characterizes that stage, e.g. a guy who tries being good with girls but never succeeded and felt worthless and moves into Green as a reaction from his lack of success in that domain and now uses Green to feel that community and "oneness" to makeup for what he didn't get in Orange. I'm noticing this right now and am having a very hard dilemma because I can tell my values are naturally evolving into Green but at the same time I haven't integrated parts of Orange and even Blue that can lead to a more healthy "use" of Stage Green. For instance, I have this huge pull to just buy a backpacking backpack and just hitchhike out of here or something like that and "see the world" but I know what this trap is, in yet this pisses me off because I want out of San Francisco, the bullshit life I'm in, to be in quiet, go within myself, camp and see and be in nature, meditate under the stars and get out of this fucking city, have more authentic relationships with "Green people" as  I've been noticing I've really been wanting that, etc. Meanwhile my dad really does need help with his business but unwilling to accept me with the passions and drives that I have and if I do the business (which I hate, have no passion in, serves no one, etc.).

In the case that you put together this rambling successfully (wouldn't imagine so as I'm still very emotional right now over what to do with my situation), what I think Jordan Peterson has to offer to the table in terms of personal evolution is how to make healthy use and integration of Stage Blue and even Orange and more importantly, help apathetic men/millennials like myself who grew up both pretty well off financially both also very poor in terms of their own mental and emotional wellbeing (you can grow up privileged and still battle with deep depression, being suicidal, etc. which was pretty much me) face the world and make the tough decisions that come with life. Though you can definitively see a lot of shadow (which is ironic because he's often seen as having a deep understanding of Carl Jung and the shadow/disowned self) elements and even blatantly clear contradictions in Peterson, when I hear him talk in terms of helping people get themselves together I really see a lot of positivity and good in what he does on that front. I think if you have a holistic enough of a healthy proper understanding of Spiral Dynamics, you can see where he fits in. He has his delusions but unless you're starting to reach the end of Yellow or are already into Turquoise (which most people on here clearly aren't... meaning, you probably aren't... if you don't bullshit yourself), we/you probably do as well. 

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I don’t get a happy vibe from Peterson whatsoever, this makes me reluctant to take advice from him. I do own his book, but it feel unnecessary long so I haven’t read or applied most of it.

Edited by Spiral

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@Spiral you think a person has to have a “happy vibe” for you to learn something from them?... Read the books you buy dude (I don’t own it). Study diverse perspectives even if you don’t agree with them. Be open minded. Stop judging by what you see over a screen. You don’t know how/if he’s happy. You don’t even know if/how happy Leo is. Stop judging. 

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@kieranperez Well would you want relationship advice from someone who’s very unsuccessful? Worse case scenario you’ll get into a worse position then you were originally. They’ll give you bad advice in other words.

 I think it’s more effective to take advice from someone who faced a issue i do but overcame it. Peterson seems less happy and satisfied with life than me, his advice therefor to has to taken with a grain of salt even if it’s scientific.  Leo is not this way so I don’t have a problem taking advice and from him


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5 minutes ago, Spiral said:

@kieranperez Well would you want relationship advice from someone who’s very unsuccessful? Worse case scenario you’ll get into a worse position then you were originally. They’ll give you bad advice in other words.

 I think it’s more effective to take advice from someone who faced a issue i do but overcame it. Peterson seems less happy and satisfied with life than me, his advice therefor to has to taken with a grain of salt even if it’s scientific.  Leo does not this way so I don’t have a problem talk advice and from him.


Translation: I only agree and listen to people who fit my worldview and who I think “really gets it.”

Your projections of who you think Leo is, how happy he is, how fulfilled he is is just that, a projection. If you really listened to him you would hear him saying ‘study everything, question everything (including me).’ You really know nothing though about Leo’s well-being and life not JP. 

I get it, you don’t agree. No need to comment further. 

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"The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness." -- Michel de Montaigne


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Nahm said:


 If you are thirsty now, a glass of water is ample wisdom. All else is distraction.

I don’t follow

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 Take life one thing at a time.  Isolate your next most logical step and proceed with mindfulness and enjoy it. 

Don’t think about your whole life, and the media, and think on fitting all that together, etc. Way over taxing on the mind, takes away the enjoyment of right now. Relax. Put how you feel first and everything will appear to slow down. I know you have a lot to do. You’ll be doing it either way. Enjoy it. 



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think for yourself, you 're your best own guru, everything else is tchat, no one can provide you with certain answer, as no human never get certain answer.

the best answer are the one you find for yourself,

if you feel peterson has something valuable for your right now, just follow it.


and don't start to be like me and ask everyone for "go for it", just fucking do it without side thinking everything, sometimes bad instinct is the best instinct.

if you have to find an answer it's only within you that you'll find it

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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6 hours ago, Strikr said:

think for yourself, you 're your best own guru, everything else is tchat, no one can provide you with certain answer, as no human never get certain answer.

the best answer are the one you find for yourself,

if you feel peterson has something valuable for your right now, just follow it.


Peterson has great material. I am a huge fan of his work. It's great stuff.

 But don't follow him blindly either. He falls into loop holes often. Think for yourself. 

Edited by Brittany

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I agree with you OP. JP has great sensible advice and I find it helpful.

I would say to try to figure what skills you would want to learn that you like that can earn you money. A life purpose or you can do physical labour to earn money in the short term. Learn a vocational skill like carpentry, electrician, or plumbing. I am not 100%, but from what I understand, its cheaper and shorter duration than college. In addition, you could eventually open your own business if you wanted to.

I think Nahm has good advice. Take it one step at a time, you gotta live more presently and be more focused about what you can do now to create a future.

Really though, only your soul knows what to do. Get in touch with yourself.


Edited by SgtPepper

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