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The Battle Of 'Selfs'

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I started meditating since July 11th 2018 first month 20 minutes a day, second month 25 minutes a day, and about two weeks ago I started doing 25 minutes in the morning and 25 minutes before I go to bed.

Then I bought Leo's book list and have recently finished reading Mastery by George Leonard. Now I'm working my way through the second book on the list which is Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Hoooolly shit, just these two books alone + Leo's recent video technique on sending consciousness to where your body tension is located then sending a signal to relax it has made a noticeable change in my behavior/thoughts. 

The most prominent theme I've noticed since all of this self-actualizing work is a CONSTANT battle of 'self's' going at it. I answer a question in class correctly and the higher self get's validated, I get it wrong then the lower self gets validated. Get rejected by a girl or accepted by a girl, same thing, two different self's battling it out. I can literally see/feel it happening. Now, I've finally learned to drop all of this completely, to stop identifying with the good OR the bad and the effects are just pure bliss. I literally don't care what people think of me and I'm much much more grounded in who I am.

I can't imagine reading all of the books on the book list and being able to apply all of the techniques. LOL. It's like being a low level in a game, then when you get to a high level the capacity of your abilities are 'god-like.' This is only from a few months of working on self-actualization too! Wow..I'm mind-fucked right now 

Edited by SageModeAustin

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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6 hours ago, SageModeAustin said:

 It's like being a low level in a game, then when you get to a high level the capacity of your abilities are 'god-like.' 

Be careful with this - it's a trap.

The "me" thinks it's going to win something.

But the "me" loses this game.

Either way, congrats! It sounds like everything is going well for you. I wish you luck.

Edited by Brittany

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@Brittany that is true, thanks (:

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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