
reason why we cannot talk about "IT"

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i have read on the forum, plus heard in many videos online that what reality is, cannot be talked about. no words can capture what it is


I watched a clip of Alan watts in which he says you want to know what reality is? It is this >>>>> *hits a bell loudly, and a ringing bell GONG echos*


is this because anytime we use words to point to reality, we are, right then and there, using a part to explain the whole?


the words themselves are part of that "moment" which reality is constructed out of, therefore cannot be used to explain it


words automatically have meaning as you hear them and this takes you in thought vs the whole of your experience

with this understanding, I suppose it would be accurate to describe reality by making an random sound from your mouth or saying some gibberish words after the statement, want to know what reality is, it is this *insure your words/sound* as Alan watts did with the bell gong


random thought, but I think I dig it :) 

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Is describing the experience of fear with language the same as the experience itself of fear? Clearly not. Language is just symbols to represent something. It comes in handy as we navigate through life. 

From a nondualistic perspective, every word is NOT another word and is thus dualistic. That's why it's so hard to speak about nonduality. 

It's like the words are an arm pointing to "IT". Yet, the arm appears to be pointing at nothing. The arm are the words. People get sooo caught up on the arm (words). They dissect and analyze the arm (words). They argue over what the arm is made of. They can spend their whole life obsessed with the arm and never awaken to what the arm is pointing to.


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Thought the title was about the stephen king movie "IT". (not seen it, other than clips.)

As for words, the notion left contains within in it the notion right, up down, Collectivist Individualist.

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You can talk about reality.  Just make sure it’s grounded in your own experience.  The problem with theory is people start to parrot the theory as if the theory can replace self-observation as a source of truth.  I encourage you to talk about reality.  What you wanna do though is ground your talk about reality in your own self-observation work.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@SoonHei That Alan watts moment you talked about is cute, but it still has the same problem as using language. Instead of using words to describe reality, he used a bell. Same thing.

Using a piece of reality, be it words or a bell, to describe all of reality makes no sense.

The only way to describe all of reality is to become conscious of all of reality. You as an ego, cannot do this. The ego, a tiny piece of reality can't grasp both itself AND everything else. So, the only way to grasp all of reality is to become all of reality. God.

Edited by Staples

God and I worked things out

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