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What are your feelings, thoughts & opinions about this tiny organ that the majority of us own?

And it's relation to Spirituality? 

And how is under attacked? 

Is there a deeper meaning or technique on how to use it holistically? 


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@Hellspeed Welcome.

You got my interest and found some good videos on Zang Fu. Interesting stuff. Very holistic view of body and mind. For instance it's a must to have a bowl movement first thing in the morning before starting a day. If not the mind is dull and energy will be low. Or that excessive thinking and worry can damage the spleen. If the body isn't functioning properly the mind isn't either and everything is out sync. No way to start a day of practice.:)   



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... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@cetus56 Along those lines, lots of research has shown that the microbiome in the gut helps regulate several aspects of homeostasis. As well, the bacteria in your gut have a direct line of access to the brain via the Vagus nerve. The microbiome in your gut is one factor (of many) that contributes to mental states.

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@Serotoninluv Is that good or bad mental states?  

In the bottom video the translater guy in the green shirt seems super chill. Notice that? Like nothing could take him out of his mental state. 


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@cetus56 Most research has focused on ill effects of having an unhealthy microbiome composition - so "bad" mental states such as depression and autism. Microbiome composition has been shown to influence gene expression in the brain (and vice-versa).

Keep in mind, everyone, that microbiome composition is just one of MANY MANY factors that influence mental well-being. So if you're feeling depressed, don't go eating a quart of yogurt with live cultures expecting it will help you.

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The organ is the key to escape Duality. 

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This organ in spirituality has the metaphor of the basis of the Earth. It is painted in color White. Is the sling that "David (thymus/lungs/heart) uses to defeat Goliath (head/mind/concepts)". 

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The Appendix:  The Holy Grail for advanced awakened masters. 

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