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Has anyone here successful heated up their body using Tummo?

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Its getting colder in Sweden and I just found about this meditation you can practice to warm up your body by summoning an inner fire in your stomach, i tried it and it works a little bit but i guess it takes more practice, has anyone tried this? 

Basically you breath in, hold, squeeze your stomach and visualize a fire. Oh and don’t forget to breath out...

Edited by Rilles

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29 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Its getting colder in Sweden and I just found about this meditation you can practice to warm up your body by summoning an inner fire in your stomach, i tried it and it works a little bit but i guess it takes more practice, has anyone tried this? 

Basically you breath in, hold, squeeze your stomach and visualize a fire. Oh and don’t forget to breath out...

Cool :D

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@Barry J As long as it works you can call it whatever you want, I don’t have the option to jog around when i’m working outside so this is helpful for me. 

Edited by Rilles

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As a breathing exercise, tummo (Tumo or Chandali yoga) is a part of tantric meditation cycles for yogic heat, developed around the concept of the female deity.[1][3][4] It is found in the Six Yogas of Naropa, Lamdre, Kalachakraand Anuyoga teachings of Tibetan Vajrayana. The purpose of tummo is to gain control over body processes during the completion stage of 'highest yoga tantra' (Anuttarayoga Tantra) or Anuyoga.

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Well fuck me ain’t that interesting? The yogis did have cool theories I guess

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Yeah thats why Im interested in if anyone here tried it, seems like a very practical technique, apparently monks have used it to swim in icey lakes which is unbelievable.

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Placebo, or physical exertion, or whatever.... As long as it works or helps is all that matters.  Yes it should increase effect with practice. Not that I have any experience with it, but that's just how these things work, ha. Placebo or not. 

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Placebo is a cop-out, what if you found out that all your orgasms have all been placebos? Would you stop jerking off? probably not, reality is enterily based on illusions, if i can hallucinate that im not freezing my ass off ill take that. 

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Ya. Pull the air “into and out through your heart valves”’, while imagining a stick being quickly spun short spin, right, then left, then right, continue (the tip of the stick into the center of the hear). See the sparks then the flame then the fire in the heart / center of ribs. Very short breathes, then totally relax (oxygenate the fire sufficiently), then repeat. This is arose years ago when I got seriously stuck in the cold in the woods. Try it now if possible, let me know. ?



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