
Feeling emotions for the first time

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After watching todays video and in the past i heared about feeling your emotions fully and as an emotional guy i thought i feel them deeply, but i was wrong when i heared that :we usually think about emotions and dont feel them, the shift happend i felt emotions differently and more fully, like i felt them for the first time then i realized i can channel it like alchemist to change it to any emotion i like and make it more intense...its amazing i could just sit and be with my emotions and im good ,explore it i realize what bruce lee meant with dont think feel...? is anyone familiar if you could do with this(for advance spiritual things) its like new field opened up....?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@K VIL its like it automatically put you in the moment so you are aware of your emotions/body without forgetting...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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"You live life in the raw. And you feel more than ever, not less. Your bandwidth is infinite. From the deepest despair to the most ecstatic joy, it all passes through. But the difference is, now, you are not at war with it all. You allow all feelings to surge through. You don’t judge them or try to get rid of them. You are their mother, their sanctuary." - Jeff Foster

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