
Body Awareness - something is happening!!!

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I just watched Leo's new episode on body awareness today, so i would share this interesting phenomenan that is going on with me.

So what happened is that i am feeling this energy in my body that is different than anything i have experienced. It will almost push me and pull me(feels like it) while i am walking. Walking seems so easy and fluid than normal. I am not a dancer kind of guy and dont dance either because i have this stiffness and rigidity in body. But now-a-days i can dance. the other day i danced for about three and half hour straight. that is almost impossible. I was listening to music and i felt this flood of energy or power in me and i just let it do its thing. so my shoulder started jumping on the beat of the music and suddenly shortly afterwards i was dancing. I was moving my body so heavily and i wasn't just moving my body, i was doing dance moves, but never learned any moves ever. 

And also I felt this awareness of muscles in my body like i was aware of every muscle in my body.

And not just that but also my sight and hearing has improved. I can notice minute differences in colors and shades that earlier wasn't possible. The music, now I can hear very clearly every instrument thats playing in the background. Also the differences in water temperature while bathing are being detected by my skin.

I am not on any kind of drugs, and also its not like i am loosing control of my body. I danced for three hours because i let it happen.(you should seen faces of my roommates)

I am feeling very lightweight and fresh

Also the their is boost in my focus and creativity. the creative things that used take me few hours are now can be done in few minutes.

And many more things happening.

Does anyone have any name or explanation for what is going on?

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You're waking up ! 

Do you know the Kundalini meditation technique ? It's a Dynamic Meditation technique devised by Osho. It includes 15 min of dancing. If you want to try it it's quite simple : 

- Shake your body for 15 minutes, listening to very fast drum music. Feel shaken, don't do the shaking.
- Dance for 15 minutes and let the awakens energy express itself. Play some enchanting and dancing music.
- Sit or stand completely still for 15 minutes. Play some very relaxing music.
- Lay down and let yourself relax completely for 15 minutes.

If you try it, let me know if you like it !

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Nice did you do anything or it happened by itself when you became aware...i started to feel my emotions fully

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@iPurpl3x exactly i feel shaken and then i just let it happen. and also it responds differently to different kind of music

@NoSelfSelf i didn't do anything different in particular. i just changed few things in my routine.

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Nice =)

Here’s from Osho:


Cleansing must be the first thing ¯ a catharsis ¯ otherwise, with breathing exercises, with just sitting, with practicing asanas, yogic postures, you are just suppressing something. And a very strange thing happens: when you have allowed everything to be thrown out, sitting will just happen, asanas will just happen ¯ it will be spontaneous.

You may not have known anything about yoga asanas but you begin to do them. Now these postures are authentic, real. They bring much transformation inside your body because now the body itself is doing them, you are not forcing them. For example, when someone has thrown many things out, he may begin to try to stand on his head. He may have never learned to do shirshasan, the headstand, but now his whole body is trying to do it. This is a very inner thing now; it comes from his inner body wisdom, not from his mind's intellectual, cerebral information. If his body insists, 'Go and stand on your head!' and he allows it, he will feel very refreshed, very changed by it.

You may do any posture, but I allow these postures only when they come by themselves. Someone can sit down and be silent in siddhasan or in any other posture, but this siddhasan is something quite different; the quality differs. He is trying to be silent in sitting ¯ but this is a happening, there is no suppression, there is no effort; it is just how your body feels. Your total being feels to sit. In this sitting there is no divided mind, no suppression. This sitting becomes a flowering.

Just make sure you are not injuring your body...

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Yeah 'cleansing', I did lot of that. Spent last three years doing that. 

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9 hours ago, Nihal217 said:

@iPurpl3x what do mean exactly by "waking up"? 

Do you know a little bit about the kundalini energy ? As I understood it, it's your inner life force that is sleeping at your root chakra, waiting to be awakened. What I ment by "waking up" is the awakening of this energy, producing an up-flow through your spine, until it reaches your last and seventh chakra.

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