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How I exploited maslow hierarchy of needs for my growth

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Hey guys, I exploited maslow hierarchy of needs for personal growth. I Think this is the most mentioned by Leo but least understood by self-actualizers.

I listened to sadhguru and his perspective struck a C chord in me. He said"hold your nose for 2 minutes and you will know what matters the most." Since psychological are linear and one is prerequisite for the other.

You breath so that you burn the food you ate, which gives the drive to do what life circumstances obligates from you, and after doing the work for how many hours, you get stressed and homeostasis level is disturbed, so you look for sleep. When you eat too much your sexual drive goes up and when you eat too little it goes down. Your sexual energy is the strongest thing in you. Its sacral chakra or the source energy that fuel all other chakras and motivates you to go out there and interact and keep you calm.  That's true for me. So what I did, I experimented with seeing which is prerequisite that is available to me and I minimized it.

When I am unable to control myself when facing life circumstances and thoughts race too much and its hard to get into meditative state, what I do is I fast from food. I noticed my body and mind gets tired after 2 days of water fast and minimizes many of the thoughts to few as possible which I can contain with meditation.

The only I think about is food . My libido diminishes and I don't focus on girls and other stuff. I can certainly focus on my studies and even reading books.

after 3 days, my body actually gets acclimated and 4th and 5th day everything is ok and 6th day things go down hill like the first day and 7th day better than 6th day.

After breaking up my fast, my libido goes through the roof and its as strong as when I was in puberty. The thing is, it gets easier to control it and not indulge in subversive behavior. 

I experimented with lack of sleep, lack of sleep while playing video games or go outside and walk and force myself to listen to audiobooks or talk to my friends  for or two days and half make me only want to fall asleep and not think about food or sex or friendships or anything.


This is nice tool to do if things get too strong in life on you to reconsider.


"Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish. And The Face of your Lord Full of Majesty and Honour will remain forever❤️" Quran: Surat Ar-Rahman (The Merciful)

"We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient"?Quran: Suratal Al-baqarah (The Cow)


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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, to me, is a helpful tool to use with shadow work. 

It helps point out where you might be neurotic. And helps you build a healthy ego for living well in the Matrix.

But the hierarchy lives within the dream. You have to identify as ego-mind for it to be effective.

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