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How to actually feel gratitude when naming the things you are grateful for?

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I just go through the motions, sometimes it hits me and im really grateful. but usually just content. and and i should be like really fucking happy for having both of my legs, arms, eyes, a young healthy body,etc.

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This is the best thing I have found


The kingdom of heaven is within.

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There are some ideas in this video that are meta, which is helpful. I am grateful that I can be grateful, I am grateful that I have things to be grateful for. They make a difference, it is superior to just going directly for the individual object of gratitude.

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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It also has a why, "I am opening my heart to gratitude so I can experience more happiness in my life".

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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You shouldn’t be “really fucking happy”, you should be nothing! 



Yet, here you are. 

Not. Fucking. Possible.

That’s what you should be. Not possible. 

But you are. You are!



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Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.

Being nothing is also being everything. There for being happy is also part of it. But that also means that you are sad, joyful, angry, etc.

If you associate whatever you are feeling with your identity you've gone unconscious.

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when I do it right after drinking a cup of coffee or tea it seems easier

also if I can go outside for a walk after a nice cup of tea


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