
How to use psychedelics for creativity?

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Good tips and advice on using psychedelics for greater creativity, creative ideas, getting in deep touch with intuition, etc.?

Recommendations of psychedelics for this purpose that isn’t nonduality related?


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Microdosing LSD works wonders for creativity. So much so that it is considered a "performing enhancing drug" in Silicon Valley.

A microdose is about 1/20 to 1/10 of a normal dose. I find 10ug to be my sweet spot. It is under threshold (no visuals, no feeling weird or altered reality). Yet, I have a clear boost in creativity, integrating concepts and empathy with others. This does come at a cost: my ability to analyze details (e.g. analyzing scientific data) is compromised. On a microdose, my mind would want to view the data relative to the big picture (rather than critically evaluating the data itself).

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Microdosing is your best bet to be lucid and still be able to come up with grounded ideas. But medium to high doses can show you how to naturally be creative. It's actually all about letting go of all preconceptions, comparisons, standards, and just create freely! your intention in itself is good enough to guide the direction of the creativity tivity.

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Another vote for microdosing to increase creativity. LSD and psilocybin mushrooms are the two biggies. Like Serotoninluv said, you want a sub-threshold dose, which means that you won't have any trippy visuals or anything too unusual in your sense fields. For mushrooms, a good starting place is .15g of dried mushrooms. If you dose on Monday, take Tuesday and Wednesday off and dose again on Thursday, then again on Sunday, then again on Wednesday, etc.  

If you want faster results, try 6g   xD

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I will probably never take a psychedelic when I'm older. It seems scary lol. I do agree with Leo when he says that there is a lot of stigma about them but I still get the shivers when I think about taking one myself as an adult when I'm older.

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@Roman Edouard  You have plenty of time to change your mind. But try not to be averse to them just because the government labels them as bad, or because you might not have a wonderful time. 

If you had never had a dream in your whole life, imagine how much you'd be cheating yourself if you chose not to do it just because you might have a bad one. 

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@Roman Edouard There is nothing scary about microdosing. The dose is small and under threshold. Most people can't even notice an effect. Yet, at the end of the day might think "wow, I got a lot done today. My creative side came out".

I met a guy who worked on technology development in Silicon Valley. He told me microdosing is rampant and it's hard to compete with the big players without microdosing. 

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You are already infinitely creative. Creativity is a part of our core nature because we are the creative energy that manifests this entire universe of form. All of the art, design of animals, molecules, and then for them all to work together harmoniously while giving human beings free will to potentially interfere with the original plan. It’s on such a big, and then quantum level. Connect to that within. 

Psychedelics could be a good intermediate in the meantime :) 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Serotoninluv @PsiloPutty @SgtPepper Yeah my whole intent right now for using pyschedelics in this sort of way is to “access” greater intuition and just a better sense of where I can take my life purpose and through which medium. I feel so damn stuck with my vision for my life, my life purpose, career, my intent, and I’m just drowning in the same old routine that these ideas I have just don’t seem that palpable. This regular routine is really sapping any sort of possibility to vision bigger and connect with I really want. Cause my vision is just so faint, murky, and still very unclear and I have no idea how I want to express my life purpose and in what medium. I feel like psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms can really help with this. However, I do think a more powerful wake up call is something I definitely need to because right now I’m really sensing that I’m at an end of a certain chapter in my life and I have no vision of where I want or need it to go and I think a strong trip can really help with that too. 

Disclaimer: I have yet to actually do any psychedelic. 

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@kieranperez  I dig what you're saying. You know already that it's one of those things you can't force. The harder you try to be creative, the more your mind is going to seize up like an engine without oil. Artists and writers know this by heart, from lots of practice trying. I mean it's easy advice to give, but I know how hard it is to take, because I've been there.

As far as psychedelics, yeah, they might help you in this, but realize that they aren't like a car, where you can get in and have it become an extension of you and your will. Your will to go to a certain place. It's much more like you scoot over into the passenger's seat, hang on and see where/when/what/why the hell you are going on this zany ride. Obviously I'm talking about a full dose, and not microdosing  here, which  I do think  would be  a good long-term strategy for creativity. Even if you don't have specific ideas about creativity come to you on your trip, it awakens certain parts of your brain, and you will be naturally heightened creatively for a few days afterward, so some nice ideas might manifest even a couple days after the trip, during a meditation or whatever. Okay, sorry so much talking. Kind of stoned. Have a good one man.

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1 hour ago, kieranperez said:

@Serotoninluv @PsiloPutty @SgtPepper 

Disclaimer: I have yet to actually do any psychedelic. 

Well, you are in for a treat my friend. Tripping is wild as fuh. No other drug experience can compare. 

The thing with psychedelics is that its pretty hard to predict what could happen. In one scenario it could be absolutely life changing and you could all the answers you wanted; in another way it could just leave you more confused than before trying it. I have had both experiences, but my first medium dose trip was amazing and big perspective change for me. I was also looking for different things each trip, so like I said its up in the air. Part of me wants to tell you it will really help, but its also not a cure all (don't want to give you false hope). 

It will definitely help you get in touch with you intuition tho. 


I agree with what PsiloPutty is saying, especially in regards to post trip days, I feel much lighter and more creative, helps with meditation and everything. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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@PsiloPutty  The harder you try to be creative, the more your mind is going to seize up like an engine without oil.

Oh absolutely. I've actually given up creative ventures as carrying them out became way too stressful. This is compounded by the ego trying to hijack the venture and use it for it's own gain. To even start thinking about creating again I've had to let it all go and just become happy with sitting in a room doing nothing. 

I'm seriously considering using LSD to help me on my way starting up a new creative habit, but I'm  little worried as I've only just kicked a daily weed smoking habit and I was using that for years to be creative, up to the point where I didn't want to be creative without it. I'm worried this could happen with microdosing, What happens if I stop doing it and my creativity dries up? By the way I've only tripped once in my life so I'm a total newbie. Also, I seem to have an addictive, pleasure seeking personality, hence the pot habit.

 @kieranperez How certain are you that you're gonna do a nice big hit and see where it takes you? I'm totally in the same place as you, I feel like I really need to expand my mind a bit. What psychedelic will you go with first? Part of me is tempted to jump in the deep end with some 5-MEO but probably a bad idea given my level of experience. 

Great thread 

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9 hours ago, Wisebaxter said:

Part of me is tempted to jump in the deep end with some 5-MEO but probably a bad idea given my level of experience.

I really wouldn’t do this. Now... like I said, this isn’t a post about nonduality. However, I really wouldn’t follow up on that urge to do 5-MeO-DMT as your first trip. I think what a lot of us aren’t taking from Leo is how profound a substance like this can be. I personally am not in a stable place in my life or a place if independence even (I still live at home) so just that combination right there can cause so much of a catastrophic trip if I took 5-MeO that it wouldn’t be worth it. I think 5-MeO is a substance you have to be at a certain level of development to do where you’re both willing to “give it all up” but at a place where that drive is tampered or tarnished with any kind of drive like escapism or serious depression, etc. So really check yourself on that. Idk you so I can’t say. 

That said, I do know where you’re coming from with wanting to dive all the way in and all that stuff. 

I personally would rather do something like LSD and maybe even just microdose to help me be more in touch with my intuition, creativity, etc. to help me with constructing my life purpose and getting  me to work on my business to get me out of the living situation I’m in and also help me intuit what I want to do with my life from here as I’m at a real crossroads right now. 

Hope this helps :) 

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@kieranperez Thanks for the advice man, I'll heed it and hold off from the 5-MEO for a while. I'll do what you're planning and ease my way in with some microdosing maybe. Yeah not a good idea to take 5-MEO whilst living at home. Imagine getting called down for tea and you just stay in your room because you don't identify with your name anymore xD Not that you get called for tea - that's a cliche, but still funny...

Be really interested to hear your experiences with microdosing. I'm really exciting about this idea and about how it can connect ideas together and lead to major insights. I read an article about a Silicon Valley top exec who doses in the morning before work. She says in the article 'I don't do coffee, I do acid,' lol


Edited by Wisebaxter

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@SerotoninluvThat's super interesting I've been thinking about how micro-dosing could be very beneficial recently. Is it a coincidence that people there are micro-dosing in silicon valley because of Steve Jobs?

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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1 hour ago, SageModeAustin said:

@SerotoninluvThat's super interesting I've been thinking about how micro-dosing could be very beneficial recently. Is it a coincidence that people there are micro-dosing in silicon valley because of Steve Jobs?

People in Silicon Valley do a lot of Adderall and stuff like that. Lot of stimulants here (I live in San Francisco in the Bay Area). 


4 hours ago, Wisebaxter said:

@kieranperez Thanks for the advice man, I'll heed it and hold off from the 5-MEO for a while. I'll do what you're planning and ease my way in with some microdosing maybe. Yeah not a good idea to take 5-MEO whilst living at home. Imagine getting called down for tea and you just stay in your room because you don't identify with your name anymore xD Not that you get called for tea - that's a cliche, but still funny...

Be really interested to hear your experiences with microdosing. I'm really exciting about this idea and about how it can connect ideas together and lead to major insights. I read an article about a Silicon Valley top exec who doses in the morning before work. She says in the article 'I don't do coffee, I do acid,' lol


No problem

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On 9/12/2018 at 6:30 PM, kieranperez said:

@Serotoninluv @PsiloPutty @SgtPepper Yeah my whole intent right now for using pyschedelics in this sort of way is to “access” greater intuition and just a better sense of where I can take my life purpose and through which medium. I feel so damn stuck with my vision for my life, my life purpose, career, my intent, and I’m just drowning in the same old routine that these ideas I have just don’t seem that palpable. This regular routine is really sapping any sort of possibility to vision bigger and connect with I really want. Cause my vision is just so faint, murky, and still very unclear and I have no idea how I want to express my life purpose and in what medium. I feel like psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms can really help with this. However, I do think a more powerful wake up call is something I definitely need to because right now I’m really sensing that I’m at an end of a certain chapter in my life and I have no vision of where I want or need it to go and I think a strong trip can really help with that too. 

Disclaimer: I have yet to actually do any psychedelic. 

@kieranperezThere are different perspectives on this. From my POV, microdosing or mindosing (1/5th to 1/20th of a standard dose) is great for creativity, integration of ideas, connecting the dots. The dose is small enough that the insights will be relatively easy to integrate into normal life. It's easy for me to see how micro/mini dosing could help personal development for most people (it can be a hindrance for some).

Higher doses will be a very different experience. Hard trips will deconstruct the self, leading to various nondual experiences. 

1 hour ago, SageModeAustin said:

@SerotoninluvThat's super interesting I've been thinking about how micro-dosing could be very beneficial recently. Is it a coincidence that people there are micro-dosing in silicon valley because of Steve Jobs?

For sure. Two common performance enhancing drugs there are Adderall and psychedelic microdosing.

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You don't need any advice for that. You trip, you get creative.

You also don't need microdosing. Trip on low or commmon dose and you will be able to contemplate, do art, whatever you want.

As for the suitable substance I would pick any of these: LSD (or AL-LAD), Shrooms (or 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-MiPT). Bolded are less spiritual.

Wish you a pleasant experience!

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28 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

(it can be a hindrance for some).


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