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Judging truth in others

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Today in a psychology lecture... The following statement came about:

"People are only about 54% accurate in judging truth and deception in others"


I'm not feeling like writing why I find this statement amusing at the moment, but I think most of you get the point.

The question was answered through a poll by the way, and the results are:


judging truth.PNG

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is judgement something to behold?


is truth something that can be defined?


do "others" really exist outside of conception?




- yawning gap

"embrace your inner pain. in hopelessness, you will find bliss. to be mindful all the time you need to have attention on the breath as second nature." - hellspeed

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They are far less accurate judging truth and deception in themselves.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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