
How to escape real life?

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Escaping wage slavery is only for beginners, if you truly want to ascend to the next stage of development then you must do some serious inquiry Right Now!

How to escape real life? The thing you are in right now, observe your every day behavior using your memory. Now stop that. Stop doing everything and you will have escaped real life. Every movement you take is a distraction. Every thought you think is a distraction.


Morpheus said it very clearly yet most people overlooked it ; " It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth " . Reality is so Bright and Crisp and Juicy and Dark and full of content that you totally get lost within it thinking that you must do anything, following a structure, reacting to stuff, like a chemical reaction.



Watch this video, people are genuinely reacting and being offended at a guy holding up a camera and just filming them in public. Every '' person '' you see outside is an NPC { NON-PLAYER-CHARACTER } meaning there is no true self inside of them, their behavior/reaction can be accurately predicted up to 99%. The same applies for literally every organization, every church , every mosque , every buddhist temple , every businesses, everyone in their car, everyone walking down the street, every government.


Reality is a structured simulation full of regulations & rules that only "privileges" the ones who are naturally gifted in one way or another, even being able to work hard is a gift, not everyone can do that, and the system is designed that way, and by system i mean the entire human grid. Now let's look at the privileges because that's the entire reason you even cling to life.

1. Food shelter & security

2. A sense of belonging to a tribe, organization , the human race , culture

3. Sex, porn , music , movies, amusements of all sorts

4. Enlightenment, mystical experiences of all sort , relaxation , feeling good , feeling bliss and union of any kind

5. Intelligence, being a know-it-all , being a master, owning stuff


That's it, this is the game, and you're stuck in it. The game's gravitation is so strong that you keep getting pulled back into it, many people try to escape it and they just end up killing themselves because of how hard it is to get off this game. Remember, even Donald Trump, or the richest man alive is a slave to his desires, even if it feels good. It's literally impossible for 99,999999% of people to escape this. How could you? Are you truly willing to give up your entire existence for this?


Are you starting to see how every people act like an NPC? There is no '' person '' , they're just heavily configured nervous systems/brains going along their way doing what they are designed to do like an NPC in a videogame.


How will you get out? Certainly not through meditation.

Edited by Devil

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@Mikael89 You're just another NPC, there's literally no-one inside of you, you just happened to bump into leo's content and now you're into whatever crap hes re-packaging. Go meditate some more NPC.


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4 minutes ago, Devil said:

Go meditate some more NPC.

so you're one of those npcs that give us quests xD

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya Your answer was pre-determined by a long chain of previous events made by other NPC's, who got programmed by Real-Player-Characters like me.


Edited by Devil

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22 minutes ago, Devil said:

@ajasatya Your answer was pre-determined by a long chain of previous events made by other NPC's, who got programmed by Real-Player-Characters like me.

interesting! an NPC programmed with smart lines xD

tell me tell me. what's the meaning of life? hahahaahahaha

i am the real player character here! the rest of you are just empty NPCs xD

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya To not be an NPC. Too bad you will remain an NPC, LEO is just the main NPC of this { GROUP } , there's another NPC behind him controlling his every move. That NPC is controlled by a real-player-character like me. I have free will, i can actually freely make choices using a secret formula that NPC's can't comprehend, i am outside of causality.

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19 minutes ago, Devil said:

@ajasatya To not be an NPC. Too bad you will remain an NPC, LEO is just the main NPC of this { GROUP } , there's another NPC behind him controlling his every move. That NPC is controlled by a real-player-character like me. I have free will, i can actually freely make choices using a secret formula that NPC's can't comprehend, i am outside of causality.

no. i am outside causality! you're just the kind of NPC that was programmed to babble existential certainties xD

ok, the fun part is that you may actually believe what you're saying. not sure if i feel sad for you or if i should have some more fun :P

spoiler: everything is the same NPC...

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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God is the real player. Devil is the NPC.

Know your place son :P

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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1 hour ago, Devil said:

Escaping wage slavery is only for beginners, if you truly want to ascend to the next stage of development then you must do some serious inquiry Right Now!

How to escape real life? The thing you are in right now, observe your every day behavior using your memory. Now stop that. Stop doing everything and you will have escaped real life. Every movement you take is a distraction. Every thought you think is a distraction.


Morpheus said it very clearly yet most people overlooked it ; " It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth " . Reality is so Bright and Crisp and Juicy and Dark and full of content that you totally get lost within it thinking that you must do anything, following a structure, reacting to stuff, like a chemical reaction.



Watch this video, people are genuinely reacting and being offended at a guy holding up a camera and just filming them in public. Every '' person '' you see outside is an NPC { NON-PLAYER-CHARACTER } meaning there is no true self inside of them, their behavior/reaction can be accurately predicted up to 99%. The same applies for literally every organization, every church , every mosque , every buddhist temple , every businesses, everyone in their car, everyone walking down the street, every government.


Reality is a structured simulation full of regulations & rules that only "privileges" the ones who are naturally gifted in one way or another, even being able to work hard is a gift, not everyone can do that, and the system is designed that way, and by system i mean the entire human grid. Now let's look at the privileges because that's the entire reason you even cling to life.

1. Food shelter & security

2. A sense of belonging to a tribe, organization , the human race , culture

3. Sex, porn , music , movies, amusements of all sorts

4. Enlightenment, mystical experiences of all sort , relaxation , feeling good , feeling bliss and union of any kind

5. Intelligence, being a know-it-all , being a master, owning stuff


That's it, this is the game, and you're stuck in it. The game's gravitation is so strong that you keep getting pulled back into it, many people try to escape it and they just end up killing themselves because of how hard it is to get off this game. Remember, even Donald Trump, or the richest man alive is a slave to his desires, even if it feels good. It's literally impossible for 99,999999% of people to escape this. How could you? Are you truly willing to give up your entire existence for this?


Are you starting to see how every people act like an NPC? There is no '' person '' , they're just heavily configured nervous systems/brains going along their way doing what they are designed to do like an NPC in a videogame.


How will you get out? Certainly not through meditation.

You've taken solipsism and relativism to a delusional and dangerous level.

There is no way 'out'.  The ego is clever but it cant escape from anything.  Nothing wants to escape from anything except an ego.

Fear, lots and lots of fear needs to be addressed.


Edited by MiracleMan


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Cool story, bro.

This is one story of an infinite number of stories to make sense of reality. Fun stuff. Just don't fall into the trap of believing it's actually true. . . 

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@Serotoninluv Typical NPC reply, what are you going to do now, close this thread because i consciously tickled your neuro-typical nervous system to act in a certain way? Without me you wouldn't have even written that reply. Every reply in this thread is just NPC's reacting to a change in the homeostasis of this community.


This is the thread that exposed the truth of all truths. This is the Map of all Maps.


I am Outside of this, below, do you see it Mr. NPC?puppet.png

Edited by Devil

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@Devil Nope. This is one storyline among an infinite number of storylines. I can engage in this story or not. Right now, there are other storylines that are more interesting to me.

As I said, the story is not right or wrong. It's just a story. Just be mindful of getting attached to the story as if it were actually true.

@Outer I could be either a player or NPC in this storyline. You can make up ANY story you want. People get sooo attached to their stories. . . 

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1 minute ago, Outer said:

Stories is literally one big part of the Default Mode Network, crucial for comprehension of movies  apparently.

Neuroscientists know less than 0.0000001% about the model of a DMN they created. I'd be careful with making conclusions about something we know so little about.

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@Serotoninluv This is what we tell NPC's so that they can go on with their daily-NPC lives. You really thought you had control? We are the one in charge.npc.png

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@Devil I understand your story. It's one of an infinite number of games we could create. Have fun playing it. Just be aware if you are getting contracted into one game. There are many many other games out there. Why limit yourself to one?

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@Serotoninluv This is the superset of all possible sets, so the truth. It is the story about all other possible stories reduced to the lowest common denominator. Every other stories are built upon this foundation.


This thread literally exposed the truth.

Without those main drivers there would be no stories ever.

Here's a list of the main drivers in a human being ;

1. Food

2. Shelter

3. Intelligence/Information { for survival }

4. Sex

5. Being apart of a group/culture/identity formation { Competition, fame , uniqueness , talent }

6. Seeking spiritual experiences/ Seeking experiences ( traveling , meeting people , reading books , giving value to paintings or to music )


Those drivers are the ROOT cause of all the problems, suffering and misery in the world. Without those drivers there would be no stories, there would be no NPC's roaming around building red/green/yellow businesses and trying to improve the world.


You are all NPC's. But at least you're on so you're in the right path towards becoming a True Self.


Here's a rare image image of NPC's gathering together for amusement.


Edited by Devil

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@Devil That is some fun stuff. I love conceptualizing! It's so creative. It feels so good.

Just don't let yourself be tricked into thinking it's actually true and identifying with it.

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@Devil I am all of them and none of them!!!

Dude, you are trapped in a concept. It doesn't matter what the concept is. 

You could be arguing about how life is explained by the Tao te ching, or Spiral Dynamics, game theory, neuroscience , Winnie the Poo, Jesus, psychedelics, alien races, Yoga or Detroit Becomes Human. There are countless of stories and games about life. They are lots of fun. Yet, at the end of the day - it's just a theory. Don't get trapped in any one game. It's super easy to get trapped in one way of thinking.

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