Tony 845

Spinning sensation during self inquiry

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I've had this before 3-4 times, each time I try to let it happen a little longer, is this more kundalini waking up? or the beginning stage of enlightenment? Either way it's scary as fuck & when I opened my eyes this time from it every was wavy for a few mintutes, Anyone have info on this??? It's like I'm sitting there & everything is spinning counter clock wise I let it go for probably 3-4 minutes then it started freaking me out. @Leo Gura

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@Tony 845 This is a symptom of detaching from the body. It's is very good progress and you shouldn't be afraid of it at all. Also these types of experiences most likely happen with an active Kundalini as far as I know. 

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! - Rumi

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@Misagh  over the past 3 months my 3rd eye loves to pulsate all the time, almost annoying now

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@Tony 845 Yes I completely understand what are you talking about. I'd have to tell you that this can get much worse. Kundalini is a harsh mistress. Perhaps seek out the guidance of a qualified master, like Jan Esman. 

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! - Rumi

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@Misagh I live in the northeast NY/CT area  & could use a guru right about now, I have many questions?

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@Tony 845 I don't know much about American gurus but there is Craig Holiday in Colorado area.

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! - Rumi

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@Misagh this shit is crazy lol, if you would told me all this stuff a year ago I would have thought they were nuts ?

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@Tony 845 I was once in that camp as well. Although take my advice and treat Kundalini with a lot of respect :)

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! - Rumi

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@Tony 845 While definitely a legit teacher, I personally find it much easier to follow Jan Esman's teaching than Craig's.

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! - Rumi

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21 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

I've had this before 3-4 times, each time I try to let it happen a little longer, is this more kundalini waking up? or the beginning stage of enlightenment? Either way it's scary as fuck & when I opened my eyes this time from it every was wavy for a few mintutes, Anyone have info on this??? It's like I'm sitting there & everything is spinning counter clock wise I let it go for probably 3-4 minutes then it started freaking me out. @Leo Gura

I've gotten the spinny sensations too!  During vipassana meditation, and also spontaneously, sometimes just laying down, or laying down after I meditate sometimes I just go into them. 

Have you experienced being dragged, or pulled, sometimes in random directions?  Sometimes it feels like your head is gigantic, or your body feels large, like a giant.  There are other times where it feels like I'm bouncing in and out rapidly.  It's very exciting isn't it?  Sounds like you've made some progress!  

Edited by MiracleMan


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@MiracleMan in one year I'm pretty sure I've made more progress than some people that have been doing this shit for Decades, Leo, shinzen young, adyahsnti, the Buddha, and many other gurus I've listened to to have helped me on this journey  & yes! I have had the feeling like im a giant feeling a few times when I stand up after meditation as well, this shit is nuts! 3 weeks ago it felt like I had evergy or fire shooting out of the top of my head crown chakra opening the fuck up! ??

Edited by Tony 845

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5 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

@MiracleMan in one year I'm pretty sure I've made more progress than some people that have been doing this shit for Decades, Leo, shinzen young, adyahsnti, the Buddha, and many other gurus I've listened to to have helped me on this journey  & yes! I have had the feeling like im a giant feeling a few times when I stand up after meditation as well, this shit is nuts! 3 weeks ago it felt like I had evergy or fire shooting out of the top of my head crown chakra opening the fuck up! ??

really cool man, keep it up.  what are some questions you have?  Everything misagh's said so far has been spot on.

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When i am on relax mode, the kundalini take over my head movement, that shit freak me out

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@Mu_ I feel like I have some major ego back lash, I battle w/ anxiety that's how I got into this work, sleep has become a problem, ego is holding for dear life, it knows I am making major breakthroughs & aha moments as of late. Ego/anxiety can keep me up late buts its kind of fine, I just inquire the whole time, it's kind of going against Itself.

Edited by Tony 845

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