Aaron p

When thought and awareness mix

7 posts in this topic

When you become aware of the sensations of the inside of your mouth, your mind creates a picture of the mouth...the sensations are real but the picture is not. 

When you become aware of the thump of your heart on your chest, your mind creates a picture of the heart...the "thump" feeling is real, while the picture is not. Etc, etc, etc...


With this, a question arises: when meditating with stomach breathing, is it helpful or harmful to embrace the *picture* created in the minds eye, of the lungs, the air, nose etc (all of which are completely imaginary). 

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@Outer from the stomach breathing, my goal is to still my ideologies as much as possible, for as long as possible

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8 minutes ago, Outer said:

Do you mean speaking or writing of anything outside of direct experience since all there really is, is direct experience?

@Outer im not sure I understand the question. I was just stating that I think anything outside of direct experience is ideological. An ideology is an ideology regardless of whether it's spoken about or written about, in my opinion.

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4 minutes ago, Outer said:

What is outside of direct experience?

@Outer the mind

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1 minute ago, Outer said:

Alright how can you measure your progress?

@Outer I measure my progress by how much I realise what is reality and what is not. Essentially I measure my progress by observing how wrong I was in the past.

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