Edogowa Conan

I saw through the bullshit of today’s video

53 posts in this topic

As I was watching Leo’s video today, it became clear to me that my practice of The Work for the last six months has really paid off. When Leo was talking about the pyramid of how the top people where using all the bottom people, I immediately saw through it as untrue and just “mind stuff”. When you go outside in the day you will never see such a pyramid. It’s not physical. It’s funny how when I realised that the pyramid only exists when you think about it, I became aware that enlightenment and no-mind really are the most worthwhile goals possible. With no-mind, there is no pyramid, no rich people and no unfairness, and definitely no slavery. I can be just as happy working for a gun company that kills people as I am living through my life purpose, because there is no gun company or life purpose until you think about those things, so clearly they are not real. I am not parroting what some other enlightened person said, this is all my direct experience when I was watching this video. I will definitely not kill myself if I became a ‘wage-slave’, because there is no wage slavery. That shit doesn’t exist.

Anyway, I understand that what Leo was talking about, although fundamentally untrue, is still a useful model for those that are un enlightened, or those who want to live through a life purpose as a tool for having financial freedom. But definitely don’t use it to depress yourselves, because it’s not true ?. Good day.

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@Edogowa Conan Didn't watch Leo video today,but base on what you said your right. All those paradigms definitely fade away, because you not engaging with the material anymore on ego level.  You can literally bag groceries and be happy  with life. I'm pretty sure by the title of the video ,he wasn't necessarily aiming for enlighten  people. 

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@Edogowa Conan Lol

You are conflating absolute and relative domains.

The wage slavery video was not a nondual teaching. Be careful trying to push everything through the nondual strainer. This is the problem with too much Neo-Avaita style teachings. You turn understanding of reality into an over-simplified nondual flatland.

Many of my videos put forth RELATIVE truths, not absolute ones.

And of course there is no literal pyramid out in the world. This was a metaphor, a map. Obviously you shouldn't go out in the world looking for an actual pyramid. You will never find it. Just like you will never find "gravity" or "the United States Of America" or "cats" out in the world.

See my recent blog video about All Understanding Is Metaphoric. You're still falling into the trap of literalism.

Nothing I say is ever literally true. It's a pointer or a filter through which to look at the world in a useful way.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I dont trust Leo on this relative stuff he keeps talking about. My first goal now is to become enlightened. The rest will follow. If you read great Guru advice, like Ramana maharchi, their advice is all the same; There is no purpose. You are the Self all the time. 



Edited by Empty

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18 minutes ago, Empty said:

I dont trust Leo on this relative stuff he keeps talking about. My first goal now is to become enlightened. The rest will follow. If you read great Guru advice, like Ramana maharchi, their advice is all the same; There is no purpose. You are the Self all the time.

That is true.

And it is also false.

Depends on your POV.

You guys are falling into the trap of not being multi-perspectival. You will not understand reality using a one-perspective-only approach.

Every stage up the Spiral requires a +1 increase in the number of perspectives you can hold at once.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Edogowa Conan Lol

You are conflating absolute and relative domains.

The wage slavery video was not a nondual teaching. Be careful trying to push everything through the nondual strainer. This is the problem with too much Neo-Avaita style teachings. You turn understanding of reality into an over-simplified nondual flatland.

Many of my videos put forth RELATIVE truths, not absolute ones.

And of course there is no literal pyramid out in the world. This was a metaphor, a map. Obviously you shouldn't go out in the world looking for an actual pyramid. You will never find it. Just like you will never find "gravity" or "the United States Of America" or "cats" out in the world.

See my recent blog video about All Understanding Is Metaphoric. You're still falling into the trap of literalism.

Nothing I say is ever literally true. It's a pointer or a filter through which to look at the world in a useful way.

There’s no ‘relative truth’.  There’s your opinions (Thoughts) which are not relative truths.  Nothing wrong with opinions per se, but I wouldn’t try to clothe your Thought as ‘relative truths’.  That’s a sneaky Egoic rationalization to remain attached to your Thought and Experience.  There’s only one Truth, and it has nothing to do with Thought or Experience.  I think this is an important issue, and I’ve actually thought a lot about this recently.  I’ve realized that ‘relative truth’ doesn’t exist at worst and is a misnomer at best.  It’s sneaky for the Ego to think that what it’s doing is dealing in truths, see.  That gets it off the hook.  It’s a very subtle Egoic rationalization.  It’s creating a phantom ‘truth’ in order to make the Ego feel justified and safe within its Thought and Experience. The most deceptive thing the Ego can do is redefine ‘truth’ in its own favor! — or at least to try to make room within the notion of ‘truth’ to include itself.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Edogowa Conan  Sounds like a nice insight to me.

It sounds to me like you did know what Leo said above, you just had a moment where you could truly enter the other perspective - perhaps for the first time emotionally. So I would call that a success. 

Edited by Elisabeth

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3 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

There’s no ‘relative truth’.

That's what relative means.

You are judging the relative from the Absolute. Which isn't relative, but Absolute. Which is actually relative because the Absolute doesn't judge anything or limit anything, including the relative.

To not make room for the relative truth will lead to all sorts of foolishness, so watch out.

When the cop stops you for speeding, you will not be able to get away by saying, "But in the Absolute sense there is no right and wrong." In the relative domain, might makes right. Survival rules the day. You can choose to disregard the relative domain, but you will not survive long, so before you make that choice, make sure you're okay with death.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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47 minutes ago, Basegodmike said:

Life is a sweet game play it how ever you please . It's  as simple as that. ?

Until that sweet game compels you to be a cog in the machine to produce sweets for others.

Just kidding xD 

Ultimately nothing gets better or worse forever. There is always an end. It's called death.

Also human mind is complex and operates through hedonic adaptation. Even Leo mentions that he forgets some days how bad his early careers were, taking his present condition as the norm if he is not vigilant enough. 

So it always boils down to that bastard yapping inside...one way or another 

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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5 hours ago, Edogowa Conan said:

As I was watching Leo’s video today, it became clear to me that my practice of The Work for the last six months has really paid off. When Leo was talking about the pyramid of how the top people where using all the bottom people, I immediately saw through it as untrue and just “mind stuff”. When you go outside in the day you will never see such a pyramid. It’s not physical. It’s funny how when I realised that the pyramid only exists when you think about it, I became aware that enlightenment and no-mind really are the most worthwhile goals possible. With no-mind, there is no pyramid, no rich people and no unfairness, and definitely no slavery. I can be just as happy working for a gun company that kills people as I am living through my life purpose, because there is no gun company or life purpose until you think about those things, so clearly they are not real. I am not parroting what some other enlightened person said, this is all my direct experience when I was watching this video. I will definitely not kill myself if I became a ‘wage-slave’, because there is no wage slavery. That shit doesn’t exist.

Anyway, I understand that what Leo was talking about, although fundamentally untrue, is still a useful model for those that are un enlightened, or those who want to live through a life purpose as a tool for having financial freedom. But definitely don’t use it to depress yourselves, because it’s not true ?. Good day.

I made a video for you. ;) Just posted it a few hours before you created this thread. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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I found the video bullshit too. So Leo, youTube's revenue comes from ad revenues, and the ads shown before the videos are from greedy corporates too. So you are a slave as well.

Not everyone can read 100 books like you and come up with these brilliant ideas for the human race, so working 9-5 at McDonald's is the only option for some people.





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@Good-boy I could remove the video ads. My business isn't really reliant on ads. They are just there for kicks.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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35 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Good-boy I could remove the video ads. My business isn't really reliant on ads. They are just there for kicks.

Don’t worry about being 100% morally pure through what you do to earn money.  The only way to be morally pure is to not work for money at all — to not do anything inauthentic at all.  All of us are part of the system that you laid out in your new video almost by necessity.  I appreciate your lay of the land in your new video, but it applies to ALL working for money.  I think what we gotta watch out for is how we cling to our whoring ourselves out for money — and all of us are doing it, make no mistake about it.  Even the Preacher, the go-gooder is whoring himself out for money.  Even the artist is whoring himself out as well.  It’s sick man.  I think you’re right Leo in the sense that we wanna be moving in more healthy ways to make money — to me that’s where the beneficial teaching lies in Life Purpose teaching.  But really, the healthiest thing is not to have to work for money at all, see.  That takes you out of the whole system that you described in your new video quite well.  All money-making has an Egoic aspect to it.  It’s all a distraction, as necessary as it is.  Striving to be morally pure by working for money is kind of an oxymoron.  I’m not saying you said that by the way.  I’m saying it.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 hour ago, Preetom said:

Until that sweet game compels you to be a cog in the machine to produce sweets for others.

Just kidding xD 

Ultimately nothing gets better or worse forever. There is always an end. It's called death.

Also human mind is complex and operates through hedonic adaptation. Even Leo mentions that he forgets some days how bad his early careers were, taking his present condition as the norm if he is not vigilant enough. 

So it always boils down to that bastard yapping inside...one way or another 

@Preetom LMAO or compels you to be a pimp and manipulate for money. A enlighten pimp now that's a thought.  hahaha become one With your mind kill the ego . Then you will become your thoughts! 

Edited by Basegodmike

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2 minutes ago, Basegodmike said:

@Preetom A enlightened pimp 

now that sounds like Tantra misunderstood and taken way off course xD 

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Btw human population is way too big to generalize into one box. If one thing in phenomenal creation is apparent, it is the diversity. Almost nothing in nature is ever the same. How can you shove 8-10 billions of people under one category, one strategy.

Let those who resonate with being a leader, become a leader. Same goes for everyone. Whatever resonates. No point in taking one perspective and trying to fit it into and explain through another perspective.

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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