
Is Samsara real?

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And if yes, are we willingly in this cycle?

What is the meaning of all this? Is it just a game?


Hope to hear your opinions.

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Yes.  Samsara is what I call being in Hell.  

(1) God is the true Self, which is God Awareness, the only 'thing' that actually exists.
(2) Heaven is God Awareness fully groking that it's the only thing that actually exists, and that it exists outside Maya a.k.a. outside Thought and Experience.  Heaven is also grokking that Maya can't hurt God Awareness because it's an illusion, in other words, Thought and Experience are an illusion that can't hurt God Awareness in any way.
(3) The Devil is the seductor that tries to lure God Awareness into forgetting that He's God and losing Himself by enmeshment into Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience.  Another way to think of the Devil is as Triggers into Maya a.k.a. Triggers into Thought and Experience.
(4) Hell is when your Awareness loses sight of the fact (or never knew the fact in the first place) that it's the only thing that actually exists and becomes enmeshed within the illusion of Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience.  This is what causes all suffering; namely, when Awareness gets enmeshed in illusory Maya a.k.a. illusory Thought and Experience.  This is not simply analogous to being caught in a bad dream and waking up with your heart pounding out of your chest.  This is being caught in any dream at all, even positive ones, and not just when you're sleeping.  All enmeshment in Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience just is Samsara, which leads to Dukkha (suffering).  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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