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This thread will wake you up!

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Let's spice things up!

* Death ≠ suicide in the context of this thread , by Death I mean Enlightenment AKA EGO DEATH


Where would you like to die? Most people die randomly on a random day or they kill themselves at home without any depth to it. They end up in an overcrowded hospital and die with a number tag attached to their toe and then they are buried. No Depth whatsoever. Well here i suggest that we make our deaths more deep and that we actually enjoy the dying process & dying and our location and that we actually plan our deaths.

This is what true masters do, they plan their deaths in advance and die in a chosen location and actually die in full bliss & peace. This can't be done in groups, this has to be something very personal, this is very intimate.

One way to consciously die is to go deep into nature and die with 5-MeO-DMT. Let the image below inspire you.




Can you feel the vibration of the entire forest go through you? Your last moments will be so magical that you will be crying at the depth of the beauty, you will physically merge with the entire fabric of reality and become the forest. The cold wind will blow at you as you are sitting in a deep meditative state, and at that moment you will fully surrender your ego and you will transcend reality and become God. There will no more seeking as you will be IT. Peace & Love will be eternal. The trees will become magical , the leaves falling, the wet muddy ground full of life, the sky covered with clouds forming a greenish tint, it is at that moment that you will realize that Reality was truly magical and that you toke it for granted by doing mundane tasks everyday just to survive. At that moment you will truly become alive and enlightenment will be realized.


Here below is an illustration / stock photo of how the average person in a civilized country gets to experience death.stock.jpeg


Full of regrets, regulations & rules , doctor and nurses running around and overall fear, negativity. Your family, if you have one will all come and they will all be sad seeing you in such a state. Everyone will be crying out of fear, the love will not vibrate at the same level and you will die without experiencing God.

Edited by Devil

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This is the life of most of the people, always living in the future and never NOW. They miss out on the beautiful, magical, aspect of life. Become Enlightened NOW!escape.jpg

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13 minutes ago, Devil said:

This is the life of most of the people, always living in the future and never NOW. They miss out on the beautiful, magical, aspect of life. Become Enlightened NOW!escape.jpg

Resist what is..nice dude :)

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36 minutes ago, Devil said:

Here below is an illustration / stock photo of how the average person in a civilized country gets to experience death.stock.jpeg


F that man !! Throw me in the ocean ? 

float till I drowned or get eaten by a shark 

Edited by Jack River

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